1. You must take between 6 and 8 new photographs per day.
2. Your WITL must be consecutive. No skipping days.
3. You must post your photographs at the end of that day, some time after the last picture is taken.
4. Each photograph must have the time taken and a title, with no other explanation.
8:33 am - early bird special
11:10 am - where the heart is
1:15 pm - here comes the sun
8:48 pm - small town nightlife
9:36 pm - i will follow you into the dark
10:11 pm - "every hour with you is a happy one!"
8:50 am - sticky fingers
9:10 am - a smile that explodes
9:30 am - at the car wash
10:15 am - me tarzan
5:30 pm - joy ride
5:45 pm - toilet humor
7:55 am - the bare necessities
8:10 am - she works hard for the money
2:10 pm - "you wrote what on mine?"
4:15 pm - woman's best friend
5:02 pm - a fresh start