Compiled from the manga, OVA, and Dramas. Subject to being added to, changed, and complained over. 8D
At least we found their goddamn canon ages.
1. Dee is from NYC.
2. Works in the 27th Precinct, in Manhattan.
3. Chief's name is Warren Smith.
4. Mother's name is Maria Lane.
5. Carol's canon birthday is August 8th.
6. Jess Latener died October 15th.
7. Ryo's parents were killed on Christmas Eve.
8. Ryo is 28 at the end of canon; Dee is 27. <-- found in drama CDs.
9. Ryo lives at East 15th street, #303.
10. In volume 7, the 27th Precinct moves to the 19th Precinct's building.
11. Dee and Ryo's unit is Criminal Investigations.
12. Berkely's title is Commissioner.
13. Bikky goes to the "Center School".
14. Dee was scouted for the Italian Mafia when he was 15. The same that Leo Grant is apart of.
15. As of FAKE Extra 01, Dee and Ryo have been partners for three years.
16. Dee has been at the 27th precinct for 7-8 years. Has also known Drake and Ted that long.
17. Transfered from the 54th precinct.
18. Dee's first partner when he was transfered to the 27th was Rick Harvey.