
Jul 04, 2006 23:08

Character: Dee Laytner
Series: FAKE
Age: 29
Job: Activities Coordinator

Canon: Dee's a cop for the NYPD's 27th precinct, partnered with newbie Randy "Ryo" MacLean. When they're not on the job, Dee's trying to woo his partner into liking him, which isn't the easiest thing to do...and of course it doesn't help that when Dee manages to get a kiss, he tries to take it a step too far and get in Ryo's pants. This usually results in cockblocking on Ryo's part, or a kick to the face from Bikky, the child that Ryo decided to take care of after his father was killed.

Dee is cocky, overconfident, and has one hell of an attitude. His moods are up and down; he's forever going from loud and inappropriate to serious and calm in the blink of an eye. But he cares deeply for those who are close to him (especially Ryo), and would do pretty much anything for them.

This has got to be the worst punishment ever. How the hell was I supposed to know he was tallyin' up how many times I've been late? And by the minute? Where does he get off sayin' that I gotta do counselor work at a camp? Hell, what does that have to do with my job in the first place?! I hate you, Chief.

Alright, listen up kiddies. The name's Dee. Not "Mr. Laytner" or "Mr. Dee" or any crap like that. Just Dee, got it? Good. I don't got too many rules or whatever, so as long as you listen to me and don't piss me off, I think we'll all have a damn peachy relationship. And before you ask, yeah, I'm a cop. NYPD, even. Special, ain't it? And that doesn't mean you can be all nice to me, then ask to borrow my gun, because the answer's no, no, and no. I'm not gonna be responsible for you little brats shooting each other, which you shouldn't be doing at all, damnit, or wasting rounds on the gorillas because you're bored. The gun is OFF LIMITS. Capital letters mean Serious Business, so you just forget about it. Yeah, I'm looking at you.

Now that introductions are out of the way, let's get down to it, shall we? I'm your new activities coordinator, so if ya wanna organize some sort of outing into the woods, party, etc, I'm the guy you gotta talk to. I don't know why you'd wanna go out into the woods in the first place, but hey, whatever floats your boat. Just don't go running off without telling me, I don't want to have to organize a search party to find your sorry ass. I don't like hiking or any of that shit, so how about we just forget about organizing anything in the woods at all? Sounds good? I thought so.

Okay, so I know some of you are thinkin' you can organize something like that all by yourself, and you don't need no adult being in charge of your best friend's cousin's sister's party, but the director lady thinks you do, which is why I'm here. It's not because the Chief hates me either, so shut up. I'm not here to ruin anyone's fun so long as you play by the rules. You've been here long enough to know the rules anyway... I heard what happens when you break 'em, and if I get involved in any of that, it's gonna be your ass.

But that doesn't mean I'm a damn babysitter. My partner's in charge of that department. I'm sure when he shows up you'd be able to pick him out to pick on, considerin' how nice a guy he is. Knowin' him, he'd probably adopt a bunch of you like he did with the little snot at home, too. The idiot.

Anyway, I have faith that you kiddies are all pretty smart, so I think that's all I have to tell you. I'm a pretty easy guy to get along with, so long as you don't get on my bad side we'll keep the peace - or whatever you wanna call it - in this lovely place. Any questions can be directed to yours truly, don't hesitate to ask.

Voting went here.


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