(no subject)

Sep 03, 2004 10:13

First best friend: Brian Johnson
First car: Buick Regal, olive green mind you ;D
First date: ummm cant remember...sometime between 6th grade and 7th
First breakup: 6th grade gf
First screen name: crazejumpinbean8
First self purchased album: The Offspring: Americana
First funeral: never been to one...
First pets: Missy (hot-dog dog thingy)
First tattoo: NEVER BIATCH!
First credit card: hoping for one soon...
First enemy: Daniel Duncan in 5th grade...prick
First musician you remember hearing in your house: who the fuck remembers this shit!
Last car ride: last night home from aj's
Last kiss: lauren ;P
Last library book checked out: i dont do the library book thing
Last movie seen: the butterfly effect
Last beverage drank: mountain dew pitch black
Last food consumed: amoxycillin pill...yuck
Last crush: lauren
Last phone call: lauren last night
Last shoes worn: adidas feathers baby!
Last CD played: i dont own any CDs anymore
Last item bought: the butterfly effect DVD
Last annoyance: my sister waking me up at 9!
Last disappointment: liz not being able to come last night
Last shirt worn: 2004 olympic tshirt
Last web site visited: aj's LJ
Last words you said: ill be upstairs if you need me
What color socks are you wearing: barefoot
What color of underthings are you wearing: blue with white polkies!
Whats under your bed: a saxaphone, stuffed animals and a sling shot
What time did you wake up today: fuckin 9...
Where do you want to go: shopping with lauren
What is your career going to be: plastic surgeon biatch...ass and titties!
Where are you going to live: california...dream state
What kind of car: lamborghini diablo, yellow!
Current mood: tired, bored
Current music: walkie talkie man by the Steriogram
Current taste: colgate total toothpaste
Current clothes: exeter shorts no shirt
Current longing: lauren
Current desktop picture: gray background
Current favorite artist: van halen
Current book: havent read since school ended...thats bad :(
Current color of toenails: what kinda guy paints his toenails...
Current time wasting wish: wtf does that mean...
Current hate: my parents for not letting me get my license
My name is: Sarp
I may seem: hyper
But I really: sweet and sentimental. (awwwww)
In the morning I: dont like waking up
I like to sleep: as late as possible
Money is: pimp
One thing I wish I had is: lauren right now
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: my sister ;P
If I could see one person(s): it would be lauren
Something I want but I don't really need is: a new car...along with a license
Something I need but I don't really want is: breakfast
I am afraid of: commitment...yea riiiight!
Something I strive to be is: entertaining
Something I wish I was is: jacked
Something I wish I wasn't is: lazy
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