(no subject)

Sep 07, 2004 09:29

This summer:

TEN Things You Did
(001.) Van Halen concert with AJ and Dr. L
(002.) started dating Lauren
(003.) went shopping with Lauren
(004.) didnt pick up a single book
(005.) studied for the SAT IIs
(006.) got my socks wet everytime i went over to Lauren's
(007.) took a trip to Montreal with familia
(008.) decided its too early to start thinking about colleges
(009.) partied at night clubs
(010.) bought 100 pictures for 45 bucks

NINE Favorite Songs of the Summer
(001.) Lorna - Papi Chulo
(002.) Nelly - My Place
(003.) The UD Project - Summer Jam 2003
(004.) Steriogram - Walkie Talkie Man
(005.) Switchfoot - Meant to Live
(006.) Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
(007.) Bowling for Soup - 1985
(008.) MXPX - This is My Life Story
(009.) Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue

EIGHT Places You Ate At
(001.) Villa Pizza
(002.) Sbarro
(003.) Cite d'Aries (in Montreal)
(004.) Chili's
(005.) Lauren's house (on several occasions)
(006.) Panera
(007.) Ruby Tuesday's
(008.) Sushi Art

SEVEN Things that Annoyed You
(001.) not having my license
(002.) the fact that i go back to school in two days
(003.) leaving Lauren behind
(004.) SAT work
(005.) my sister-whats new?
(006.) stubborn people who live in the past
(007.) alcoholics

SIX Things You Bought
(001.) a Harvard hoodie
(002.) the "got me? i'll do you body good" shirt
(003.) a Blue Fossil watch
(004.) a pair of jeans for 50 bucks
(005.) a grande double chocolate chip Frappe from Starbucks (on several occasions)
(006.) The Butterfly Effect DVD

FIVE Things You Accomplished
(001.) got a job at Bellevue Hospital
(002.) got a girlfriend to come back to on holidays
(003.) made new friends in CP and Turkey
(004.) cleaned my computer of the 16+ viruses that infested my computer
(005.) learned how to work the speedboat

FOUR Movies You Saw
(001.) Without A Paddle
(002.) The Butterfly Effect
(003.) Anchorman
(004.) Anacondas

THREE Things You Wish You Did
(001.) had enough time to see people i didnt
(002.) gone to more concerts
(003.) spent more time with Lauren

TWO Rules You Broke
(001.) came home after 2 am for weeks on end
(002.) * i cant really list this one...my sister reads this shit*

ONE Thing You LOVED About This Summer
(001.) meeting Lauren >> making plans for her to come visit me!!
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