A lot of the latter stuff has been recced a million times. A lot of the earlier stuff isn't necessarily good. It's just a list of the things I watched/watch repeatedly.
All non-SPN because I'm a little to close to judge objectively.
The first vids I watched were in my Smallville days.
I didn't actually watch the show, I was just captivated by the fandom. The only vid I can remember now, was a Lex vid set to Bohemian Rhapsody. Ahahahaha. Awesome!
They're all lost though, and the two oldest vids I seem to have on my computer are only from 2005. They are:
Asshole by Denis Leary : LOTR : Orlando_the_Cat : Available
here (17mb)
A Gandalf Vid
Ahahahaha! You probably haven't seen this, because it's by a RL friend (who gave me permission to send it to people). Now I just need to convince her to put it on YouTube. ;D
'Frankly, Mr Shankly' by The Smiths : Buffy : Rivkat : Available
hereA Spike Vid.
And. Ummm. Why have I watched them so often? Y'know. They're both very literal, and they both have talky-face, and a bunch of things that are 'bad' but - they were entertaining, and I've quite happily watched them repeatedly for the last 18 months.
I kind of worry that as I watch more vids, and take on board the technical techniques and criticisms of the medium, that I won't enjoy vids like this as much. That I'll get caught up in little flaws, and not register they're still well, gosh darn entertaining!
It's still usually the concept/song that really attracts me to a vid.
Then, everyone else in the universe recced...
Jesus walks, by Kanye West : Angel : Mimesere : Available
hereBecause it deserved it. It's still one of the ones that I show to non-fannish friends just to show off how shiny-cool fandom is. The combination of a really good editing in, not just the vid, but the audio track, and a story, a character you can really feel and sympathise for, combined to make a really awesome vid, that was accessible to people outside the fandom too (the gen rating helps). And really makes me want to go watch the early seasons of Angel.
And - the current crop. Basically, I've finally, finally started looking outside of SPN for vids.
There is too much light in this bar by Wammo : Life on Mars : absolut3destiny : Available
hereYou have to download this, right now.
I also want to say that you have to download Life on Mars right now, because that would give you the understanding, the insight, that this is not the mere, cute-and-literal-matching-of-scenes-to-lyrics that it appears, (as in the awesome, Your Horoscope by Ringwench), but that that is, Life on Mars.
Most of the truly disturbing matchings of lyrics to scenes, and the scenes that go together, is not piecemeal, construction of reality on the vidders part - oh no, this is all actually from the show. The main character perspective in the song, really, really is Sam Tyler.
For everyone else though, there is just the flawless, awesome damn editing. How can you not love the lights going on down the hallway? Or where he "walks, no wait, swaggers into the room"?
Initially it didn't occur to me that this was a 'song' you could vid to, but, oh, wait, no. I'm wrong.
This is one of the very few vids my boy-thing thinks is awesomely cool too. Most of the vids I show to others are pretty gen, but despite the fact that it is pretty damn slashy from 2:40 to 2:50, I had to show it to all my non-fandomy, male flatmates who'd seen Life on Mars, and the unanimous opinion, was - yes. Damn cool.
It's ridiculous to want to say that the lyrics are practically canon for the show... but. See, uh. They are. Kind of. Nearly. If you swap 'y'alternative' for 'cops'. And 'hump' for 'fight'. Except of course, 'fight' really means 'hump' in the show, so it uh, all goes round and round.
Oh. And that Ipod thing at the end? Now that's just showing off.
Yes I liked it, give me more!
(and yes, the Ipod shot is also from the show, except for the text)
P.S. I since I don't think fan-spammed about Life on Mars much - I have Sam Tyler's leather jacket! (I think). How cool is that?
Post Blue by Placebo : Firefly/Serenity : obsessive24 : Available
Yeah. Firstly, I'm just all impressed by omg the shiny-geeky-cool-editing-effects.
Uh. I'm sure other people will say there can be too much of a good thing, but. No.
Wheee! Cooooooooool.
I'm unashamedly captivated by the totally leet zooms, cuts, fades and 'image masks'. I want to lick it. So uh, keep that in mind.
I want to say though, they're used well. They're not just crazy flashes or fades, they make it look cool.
...Uh. I'm really not making/helping my point.
Ok then - there's the song choice (ok, so I like placebo), and a lot of the clips they've gone with. Look, it's shiny ok? Have I emphasised that enough? I like watching people kick ass in an unashamedly Matrix/Hong Kong wirework type manner, ala the very beginning of the vid.
The actual vid? I was going to squee all over the place, and then I actually read the notes, and oh. Um. What she said??
Ok, so, I tried showing this to my boy-thing, and he didn't get it, and didn't think there was much 'going on' (meh, he doesn't like much but the really, really literal vids). For starters, it turned out he'd never picked up on the whole Blue Sun thing in Firefly (or had forgotten).
Shows what he knows.
So, I guess it's really just, Simon and River, post-Blue Sun Corporation, "Bite the hand that feeds".
That makes more sense in my head.
It's probably song and tone more than anything.
They are so totally creepy children of the Alliance. Like, so close to the ideal of what the Alliance would have wanted out of it's best and brightest, but they got twisted up and broken along the way. And broken doesn't emphasise the 'moulded' quite enough.
And yeah, it's got a totally explicit 'cesty lyric, but really, as deeply Simon/River as this is, it's. It's just Simon & River. Most of it isn't any more slashy than pointing out oh, Dean would totally die for Sam. Well yes. Duh. Most everything that makes them kind of freaky and obsessive (and 'cesty) is just the canon (and occasionally the DVD extras).
Closer &
Camelot Star Trek vids on YouTube
These are the other vids I've been showing to all my non-fandom friends, seeing as they went all viral etc. They're hilarious, but watching them also causes a twinge of sadness and selfish-regret, because apparently they're why she doesn't have a public vid section anymore.
Sunburned : Sunburn by Muse : Hero (the movie) permetaform/kanzeyori : Available
hereSometimes I just feel like I'm deaf, blind, and therefore dumb when it comes to vidding.
Eh, this one is mostly beautiful because of the beautiful, beautiful, source. I mean, I've never really gotten the point of the 'eclectic scenes to music' type vids, but I would for this source. I mean, I keep just wanting to see the fight in red, against yellow leaves again.
Uh. Which is horribly offtopic. What I meant to say, is watching this, I can see really clearly the vidding to music thing, rather than just vidding to lyrics.
I can hear what colour something should be, like, when the music is all watery, vs when it's red, or even just green. This is like the 'see spot run' visual/audio primer that I needed to really get that.
And I like the matching not just of the scream, but the subsequent metal against metal sounds in the song.
Ummm. Yeah.