This journal was originally intended as a backup* for my pieces of mulch**, and possibly for commenting.
Turns out, I can't even play around with my mulch if I think people are watching. So.
No more backing up the rambly bits here.
Not that it's an issue, I mean, I've never written anything longer than drabble length that actually holds together, and I'm not likely to soon - and yet...
I like reading fic-bits by authors that they don't consider good. They are honestly good, exponentially better, but I still can't hold myself to a double standard - so.
If anything vaguely ok comes out, I'll put it up, somewhere. Possibly, just somewhere I can't see anyone looking at it.
The other thing is, it's been more personal rambles anyway, or plenty of nearly-posted personal rambles. And. I realised that they weren't so much to connect with others as I want a personal/anonymous diary I can blather in.
So, I will. Start a personal diary. And I'll prune back all the personal stuff from this journal.
I may occasionally comment from this journal, but, that's about it.
Love to everyone,
* Cue not being locked, because I would forget the password and/or journal name**, and need to google it.
** Snippets of fanfic, see also rubbish
*** I've forgotten the name to an earlier journal that I set up for the same purpose, and no, I never found it again.