So I made it through another day. That's one thing I have a difficult time with when I have operations. It's all about making it through the day. This time even more because of how many changes there are. It's tough to explain the difference. I've had so many operations on my feet, for example, which have left me unable to walk afterwards. As constricting as I thought that was...this seems to be worse. The pain isn't as bad...even though I didn't have pain meds after leaving the hospital. I just can't eat what I want. I know it sounds silly, but it's so...distressing. Even when following the program as I should...I run into problems.
Today, I was thrilled that my mom was going to scramble me an egg with some cheese. I'm allowed to have an egg, and I'm allowed cheese, so I thought it would be good. About 4 tiny bites in...I could tell it was a bad idea. I made it to the bathroom before my body started in on signs of "dumping syndrome". Sweating, racing heart, nausea, all of it. I ended up dry heaving for about 5 minutes as my body tried to get rid of the few bites I had (nothing ever came up), then I ended up forgoing breakfast and just trying to lay back and go back to sleep. I slept through the morning, feeling pretty sick all day, then lunchtime rolled around. I knew I *needed* to eat (especially after not having breakfast), but nothing sounded good. I ended up having just yogurt for lunch and for dinner. Now I'm afraid of trying anything new. Just...not fun at all.
I've been really good at getting in 3 walks every day, each time going a little further than the time before. Today I didn't do so well. I managed to take a shower, and I went to my grandpa's (which requires walking) but I didn't do more than that. Hopefully I'll get better.
I did find out tonight, though, that
luvlyssa is going to come out from Sunday until Friday :-) That should be fun! She's already been warned that I won't be able to do much, and is ok with that, luckily.
Back to the whole "as constricting as I thought that was...this seems to be worse" thought, I had a rough time yesterday. One of the other things they told us ahead of time about this surgery is that us girls would run into emotional issues similar to "the baby blues." Now, I've had operations before...and I've gotten all sad with them before...but yesterday was bad. I'll spare you all the details, but it's gotten better today (but today came the sickness, heh). With any luck...I'll be able to make it through tomorrow without the sickness OR pain, and my exhaustion will be mild. We can all hope.