beach in the morning
beach in the evening
Todayy went to the beach with Michelle, and metup with Brenden and Justin, my boys from Lynbrook!
haha awesome
AWWWW little Ashton Kutcher!
me looking fat and ringing out my shorts sincee Brenden threw me in...fucking loser <3
word of the day...[slut]
Brendenn waddupp kiid
they were upto something...
Brenden..and his gay modelling pose..hahah
me on the phone with jB!!...and i looks disgustingg
andd brenden being gay.
THEN we went to go visit Posttt <333
look at that hottie... =D
hes just too damn cute for his own good.
TOOONIGHTT! went BACK to the back with Michelle and Andrewww <3
and how cool is andrew's car? yes a 6 inch screen is in the dashboard, and we watched the FALL OUT BOYYY DEEVEEEDEEE!! was absolutely amazing
me and andrewww <33
Andrew and Michellleee - biffers
me pretending to be andrew...aka the hat and sweatshirt are his..
me and andrew again...looks familliar...minus the retarded monkey face..
andrew doing SOMETHING by the stand..and my damn skirt kept on FLYING away.
AWW michelle..soo pretty
Andrew rolling around in the sand....again
Me and Michelle being gangsterrr.
aww michelle by the waterr..
me looking VERY stoned...i love it, im totally sober yet, i loook RETARDED
me and michelle <333333 i love youuu!
yey <3
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