Title: A Prayer Time Forgot
Length: Chaptered [8/?]
Rating: NC17 now, to be safe.
Genre: Umm. Unsure. Angst, supernatural, generally. Weirdness. We'll see.
Pairing: Yes, there are pairings. (Gasp! A first!) I'm guessing it's YunJae.
Summary: It’s a highly complex play, pretending that everything is all right.
A/N: Because it's Holy Week and I'd rather
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Comments 51
Hm....I don't think that boy!Jaejoong is harmless anymore...I take back the part of my theory where boy!Jaejoong is harmless!!! He's as evil an sinister as a devil could be...
But I still think that adult!Jaejoong might not be there to harm them!! His presence is highly suspicious...but I truly don't think that he would harm Yunho and Yoochun. And I suspect that he's more alert about Yoochun's safety and all cause he might just know that something evil is going on...
OMG!!I'm sitting on the edge of my chair!!! The suspense is killing me!!
i'm at lost of words.. damn!~
dead KJJ and adult KJJ sure has a connection..i don't care, there have to be a dead and an alive KJJ! and the alive KJJ is there to prevent the dead_creepy boy getting his way! the savior! lovelovelove.. :p
and god... Mickybo sounds so good, no? hehehe..i believe it was derived from a Jaeboo deprived YunHo.. XD
there shouldn't be anything happening to Chun baby...savior Jae..go to him!~
Jae's identity is getting more and more complicated..with his mom and all.. god, you just gotta hang us there..like that >.<
what should i say? alsdhfoafgafgnahg!~
i can only wish that adult!jae really is what you guys are expecting him to be, otherwise, i think i'm screwed. keke~
mickybo = i got it off an irish movie. i think the title's 'mickybo and me'. XD it was so cute i had to put it in.
keep hanging in there~! ^^ thanks for reading and commenting, love.
ah..there's a film with such title? if i read it then it'll be 'mickybo and me (mickey)' ?? hahhahaha.. it's cute, no doubt. ^^
*hanging* make sure you come back to save me.. =.=
gaaahhh this chapter was amazing. I wonder what's up with Jaejoong ;___; I really loved him in this chapter, even moreso than usual. especially at the end. flksjdg <3333 I hope Yoochun's okay ;____;
and the strange way that he can speak even without opening his mouth.
i loved jaejoong too in this chap. the characteristic i planned for him as being good at keeping himself together is coming out. he's being a good little character. *pets*
shall update as soon as i can! hang in there, love. :D
my mind is occupied with lots of question marks enveloping the identity of the jaejoong that yunho's with. what person is he? my questions are not ceasing.
i shall wait patiently for your next update ^-^
that's the clincher isn't it: WHAT, not WHO. trust me, i don't know either. XD forgive me.
thanks for reading and commenting!
and now there you go, you added like 10 more question marks on my pile of mysteries.
yunho save my baby!! haha
the younger ver of jae is freakin me out... BIGTIME.. i get goosebumps
boy!jae is a nightmare to write as much as he is probably a freak to read about. he's too controlling. i don't know if other writers have ever had such a demanding character before. XD (ok i don't really make sense. forgive me.)
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