ok sooo alot has happened i really need to update more anyways so highschool is awesome. im a lot of cool classes the first day i wore my field hockey uniform it was okay but i rather wear something i picked but im in a cool world history class cept its in a trailor but its all good then 3rd period i have spannish with claire!!! our teacher likes to confuse us lol. then i have lunch with patrick illana bridgette and bevin!!! who is also in my biology class and 5 million others!! yay !! any way me and bevin sat in the back and were "rebels"hehehe then we had gym which was awsome i sat and talked to tim and bevin and these other people. that was fun except my teacher seems like a jerk!! any ways black day i had journalism with sara and lindsey it was interesting not!!! then i went to spanish again same thing blah and then they called me to my admenistrator who gave me a shedule with my classes alll switched grrrr anyways so i went to those classes and i had them with bevin which was coolbut the class was likwe kindergarten for every right question you get an sticker a sticker omg wow i have always wanted a sticker!! NOT!!! then i had a english class that was weird i cant remeber who was in that class hmmm then on thethird day i had history normal and spannish and lunch which is always hilarious!! we were sitting eating when allana felt bad for these people at a table with not many people so she went and sat with them and we all joined her it was really weird but then i went to biology again and gym which i got mad cause my jerk gym teacher wouldnt let me talk to my friend soo i had to listen to they dumb guys discussing this girls butt!!! idiots!! i was completly bored all period!!! then friday last day i swear i went to black day and they switched all back halleyuhlah any ways sooo i went to journalism and then spannish and then my new english class which has tim and mellony in it which was cool at lunch i have it with bevin tim ashley bridgette its soooo fun anyways i took a wrong turn on the way back since it was the first day of that classs and the teacher gave me a detention!! wtf!! i was soooo pissed so if my mom doesnt email i havta go in at 6:30 in the morning to sit ther for like a half and hour hahaha yeah rite im not going she cant make me!!! :( anyways so then i went to my math class which is pretty cool and has alot of cool people such as steve and mellony and sonme other people we had a firedrill which was cool and then we were done now im gonna stop typing damn how do i do a lj cut cause this is really long!!!!! ...