Thrasymachus once said

Mar 28, 2003 13:38

"You must consider, my most simple Socrates, that a just man comes off worse than an unjust man everywhere. First of all in contacts with one another, wherever two are in such partnership, and the partnership is dissolved, you would never find the just man getting the better of the unjust, but he always gets the worst of it. Secondly, in public affairs, when there are taxes and contributions, the just man pays more and the unjust less from an equal estate; when there are distributions the one gains nothing and the other much. Again, when these two hold public office, the just man gets his private affairs, by neglecting them, into a bad state, if he has no other loss, and he has no profit from the treasury because he is just; besides, he is unpopular with friends and aquaintances if he will not serve them contrary to justice,; but it quite the opposite with the unjust man."

but the appearance of morality gets these rewards as well as the actual morality, so the prudent person will be concerned with reputation, not morality

This shit speaks volumes to me.
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