My blood type is A+... er, wait a minute, I was supposed to use Blood Bond...

Jan 06, 2009 19:57

The three people you voted on:

Your character stamping link: C.C.

Name: Caitlin
Nickname: Catline
Age: 14

Do you have any siblings? Yes, two younger ones (12 years old)- they're twins. (It gets a little hectic sometimes. >_>)
If so, are they older/younger? male/female? Haha, I sorta already answered that. But, younger. One is a boy, the other is a girl.
If not, would you like to have a sibling or two? N/A

If you had the choice would you prefer being the youngest, the middle, or eldest child? I'm already the eldest, and I like it that way... I have superiority over my younger siblings, and I think I like that power, haha.

What do you think would be the worst thing about being the eldest child, the responsible one? It's definitely the expectations factor. Parents always rely on the eldest the look after the other siblings, and expect them to do everything well...

What do you think would be the worst thing about being the middle child, the one always stuck in the middle of everything and everyone? The fact that you'd get ignored a lot. The parents attention would, most likely, either be on the youngest (to spoil) or the oldest (to reprimand or give more responsibilities).

What do you think would be the worst thing about being the youngest child, the one who's always momma's/daddy's favorite and the one that's always to young to do anything? Arg, I'd hate being the youngest. Because, stereotypically, I wouldn't be a ble to take a stand. The youngest tend to be babied and closely watched... so someone who is independant like me would not like the monitered lifestyle...

If you could choose a sibling, your preference for them would be what:
Personality-wise: Um, not the same as me? Haha, I like being unique. So, they'd probably be more out-going, more eccentric, and more athletic.
in Physical Appearance: Unlike me (again. XD) Maybe they'd be shorter than me, or have a different hair color/hair style or something.
Gender-wise: Eh, I don't think I'd care... Female because, obviously, we'd be the same gender and therefore understand each other better. But male would be okay too, because I could play videogames and stuff with him.
in Age: Younger... XD

In short they be:
Calm or Energetic: Energetic.
Brains or Brawn: Maybe half and half?
Controlled or Impulsive: Impulsive (so I can reprimand them... :P)
Determined or Passive: Determined.
Mature or Immature: Immature. (Isn't everyone though?)
Patient or Impatient: Impatient.
Compassionate or Just: Just.
Confident or Modest: Confident.
Overprotective or Distant: Probably overprotective... <3
a Leader or Follower: Leader who will allow him/herself to follow if need be (which is the exact opposite answer I would have given, haha)

You are at a party and this guy/girl starts to hit on you. He's/She's not really bothering you at all and asks you for nothing more than a dance. This sibling of yours sees. What do they do? They'd probably be pretty amused. Maybe even make me dance with the guy, no choice in it. XD

This sibling of yours catches you doing something your parents told you not to do and earlier you had a fight with this sibling. What do you think they'll do now that they've seen you do something you shouldn't have? Maybe use it as blackmail? Or just tell my parents. >_>

This perfect sibling of yours can't be all that perfect themselves, name a few things/traits you would be fine with that would make them imperfect in some way? Any trait, I suppose. Maybe they're conceited, maybe their sort of cold and cruel... It's the blood bond, remember? I wouldn't be able to not love him/her.

Now name some of the things your real sibling(s) or what you think would be the most annoying things/traits about a person's sibling(s) to have to put up with? Ick. Ratting me out, trying to keep them controlled, trying to get them to shut up, etc.... Just a few of 'em.


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