
Jan 13, 2009 18:46

::The Basics::
1.Name: Fred
2.Nickname(s): Freddy
3.Age: 17 years old
4.Gender: Female

5.Likes: I'm a big fan of board games, card games, video games- games in general. I love the art of storytelling in all its media because there is so much to be said about human nature and emotion and the relationships between people without saying it straight out. Individuality, idiosyncrasies, things that make people and objects different; differences make the world more interesting. I, for one, can't stand to be the same as everyone else. The English language; it's incredibly expressive. I love the nuances and connotations offered by each word. Art, including literature, music, fashion, dance, filmography, etc. because they capture and amplify the beauty of the world.
6.Dislikes: Bigotry; I'm an egalitarian fool. Cigarettes, scented lotions, perfumes; I can't stand the smell. Rudeness; the world would be a much comfier place in which to live if everyone were just nice to one another. Premature judgments; experience first, please. Anemia; this is just annoying. Ideological extremism; rationality = A Good Thing.
7.Fears: Losing the people I love. Pain. Humiliation; I'm rather self-conscious, and I dwell on things long after they cease to matter, so the tiniest of humiliations weigh heavily on me. People thinking negatively of me, especially people I hold in high regard, for obvious reasons.
8.Goals/Dreams: I tend to live in the moment without thinking much about the future, but one dream that I cling to is that of game design. I want to work in a company that makes games. I'm not so particular about the type, but I have been designing small games since I was in elementary school, and it's something I really enjoy.
9.Talents: Writing. Computer graphics. Math, to an extent. I don't enjoy it much (but probably more than the average person), so I'm not very good at higher math, but I am innately quite good at it. Academics in general.
10.Hobbies: Coding web layouts; I LOOOVE HTML AND CSS. PHP is my homeboy. Blogging; self-involved narcissist, here. Writing stories and poetry. Designing clothing. Singing. Playing and designing games. Doodling ecosystems.
11.Strong Points: Creative; I'm often hailed by my friends for my creativity when designing clothing or writing stories. Intelligent; I've always excelled academically, but I admit that I lack common sense much of the time. Compassionate; I hate to see people suffer. Thoughtful; I enjoy making other people happy, so I constantly have my friends on my mind and am thinking up things I can do for them. Reliable; I have a strong sense of duty, so if I am given a task, I perform it to the best of my ability. I don't slack off, and I pick up others' slack when necessary.
12.Weak Points: Inarticulate; I write well, but I fumble over my words when I speak. Arrogant; I tend to think very highly of myself because I know when I am better at something than the majority of my peers. Yet I am also extremely diffident; my self-esteem is ridiculously easy to dash. Just when I am feeling proud of, say, my writing ability, I read something another person has written and suddenly feel as though I am nowhere near good enough to consider writing a talent of mine. Lazy; I dislike toil. Escapist; I avoid conflict, work, hardship, reality, anything I don't enjoy dealing with.

13.Your General mood: I tend to be rather cheerful and relaxed. My moments of agitation fade quickly, and even when I am upset about something, I put on a happy veneer because I don't want to bring others down.

14.What's your personality in three to six words: Eccentric. Compassionate. Creative. Individualistic.

15.Color: Lime green and bright orange because they are happy and slightly obnoxious. I am also partial toward cyan, pink, and purple.
16.Animal/Bug: I have no favorites among animals.
17.Food: Pho, chili, nachos & nacho cheese, cheesecake
18.Sport/Game: My favorite sport is a form of dodgeball called ga-ga. My favorite board game is Settlers of Catan, and my favorite video games are Kingdom Hearts II, Tales of Symphonia, and Final Fantasy VII.
19.Quote: “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

20.Code Geass Character and why: I'm very fond of most of the characters in the series, but my favorite by far is Lelouch because he is, from a literary standpoint, the most complex. [SPOILERS AHOY!] He is an egotistical megalomaniac who isolates himself from his friends and his family to chase revenge. But calculating as he is, he is capable of love, and even as he kills and manipulates, love drives his actions. Yet no matter how much power he gains, he is always somehow rendered helpless. He loses the people he loves, he falls into self-loathing, and even then, he has a conscience. He loves the world for all its flaws, and he wants to do right by it. For all those reasons, he is an amazing character to me. (On a side note, he reminds me a lot of Raskolnikov from Crime and Punishment except that Raskolnikov is a lot more of a bipolar bitch.)

::Least Favorite::
21.Color: I never understood the concept of having least favorite colors.
22.Animal/Bug: Silverfish; THEY FREAK THE SHIT OUT OF ME.
23.Food: Red cucumber.
24.Sport/Game: Soccer. Bad experiences.

25.Code Geass Character and why: I don't really have one.

::Are you::
26.Mature or Immature: I tend to be more mature. I sometimes behave immaturely for fun, but fundamentally, I'm mature in that I recognize boundaries and take on real responsibilities.
27.a Leader or Follower: I prefer to follow than to lead because it's easier being told what to do than it is to determine what needs to be done, how many people should do it, and by when. But I take on leadership roles when no one else steps up to the plate. Even then, however, I do much better with people above me as well as below me.
28.Optimistic or Pessimistic: Realistic but hopeful.
29.Outgoing or Shy: Shy. I don't interact with strangers or casual acquaintances well at all. On the other hand, when I'm with close friends, I'm extremely boisterous and probably the most uninhibited of them all.

::Do you prefer::
30.Night or Day: Day; I like being able to see.
31.Chess or Checkers: Chess; checkers is too simplistic a game.
32.Winter, Fall, Spring or Summer: I guess fall; it's not too chilly, not too rainy, not too hot.
33.Hanging out with a lot of people or just a few: I enjoy both. My friends and I often plan activities with mobs of as many as twenty people (more often around twelve), but I have four closest friends with whom I spend much of my time.
34.Spending sometime with family once in a while or not: I'm close with my immediate family; I enjoy watching movies or playing games with my parents and my siblings. However, I don't know any of my other relatives very well, so family reunions tend to be awkward.
35.Having fun or doing something somewhere quiet: I choose the fun, whether it be noisy or quiet.

::If You::
36.If you had the power of Geass, what would it do? Of the ones presented in the series, I prefer Rolo's because it seems the most honest. :/

37.If you had the choice of being born Eleven (Japanese) or Britannian, which would you choose and why? Britannian. I would never intentionally choose a position of greater suffering. I'd be a sympathetic Britannian, sure, but I'd enjoy my easier lifestyle and probably wouldn't work too hard to improve the situation of the Japanese. It sounds awful, but I can't believe that I'd help them when I don't do much for disenfranchised people as it is. :/

::Last 3::
38.Include a picture or describe yourself: I am Chinese and damned proud of my East Asian heritage. My hair flies every which way. I mix girly headbands and gothic punk arm warmers. I like shirts with faces on them, preferably in a pop art style. The nail polish is coming off my fingers, but I can't be bothered to remove it properly. My default expression is a satisfied smile.
39.Anything else: Nothing of interest.
40.Please link the 3 people that you were able to vote for: one two three


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