I'm in love with a GEASS fairytale...

Aug 10, 2009 22:21

::The Basics::
1.Name: Morgana Mors
2.Nickname(s): Morgana. People always created stupid nicknames for me. I may look like I don't mind, but to be honest, I hate them.
3.Age: 16
4.Gender: Female

5.Likes: Winning, doing my own thing, music, thinking, reading, hot chocolate, tea, the night, rain, ocean, stars, falling stars, daydreaming, writing, singing, people-watching, being with my friends, observing, laughing, the Internet, my cellphone, myself
6.Dislikes: Most people (especially n00bs and trolls), the sun, my annoying big sister, my bossy big brother, school (I'm into studying on my own more), being bossed around, losing, the situations when I can't rely on myself
7.Fears: Failure, most definitely.
8.Goals/Dreams: Travel around the world, be an international rockstar/singer, living a successful life, find someone who really understands me, find my life's meaning & purpose, find what love is, find the true meaning of happiness
9.Talents: Writing, speaking (I can convince anyone of anything), singing (well, not really), have an amazing insight, making friends easily because it's easy for people to like me
10.Hobbies: Reading, writing, listening to music, thinking, singing, people-watching, observing
11.Strong Points: Independent, dependable, mature, open-minded, wit, cunning, friendly, wisdom, sensibility, sense of humor, bold, honest, creative
12.Weak Points: Temper (but most of the times I keep it under check though...), being naturally intimidating, vengeful, cynical, can be arrogant, stubborn, moody, can be too much of a critic, can be indecisive, can be manipulative

13.Your General mood: (Calm? Quiet? Happy? Hyper?) Somewhere between snarky and hyper. Haha.

14.What's your personality in three to six words: Independent, snarky, strange, intimidating, charming, vengeful

15.Color: Black.
16.Animal/Bug: Snow Leopard/Scorpion
17.Food: Seafood <3
18.Sport/Game: Ski/Scrabble
19.Quote: "Live and let live."

20.Code Geass Character and why: Lelouch Lamperouge. Because he wanted revenge...and I could totally relate with him on that. He also had a strong personality, in my opinion.

::Least Favorite::
21.Color: HOT PINK. Ugh.
22.Animal/Bug: CATS/none
23.Food: Fruits (all of them)
24.Sport/Game: Gymnastics/Truth or Dare

25.Code Geass Character and why: Suzaku Kururugi. Actually I can't choose between him and Nunnally. Him because I just hate his so-called "HEROIC" personality, and Nunally because she's annoying as hell.

::Are you::
26.Mature or Immature: Mature. But I can be immature at times.
27.a Leader or Follower: A leader, definitely. I hate being bossed around. But with the right person, I could be a good follower :)
28.Optimistic or Pessimistic: Realist. Because optimism is disgusting and pessimism is pathetic.
29.Outgoing or Shy: Both. I'm mostly outgoing because I had no trouble with self-esteem, but I had...my shy times.

::Do you prefer::
30.Night or Day: NIGHT.
31.Chess or Checkers: Chess, it rocks!
32.Winter, Fall, Spring or Summer: Fall.
33.Hanging out with a lot of people or just a few: Both is equally fun.
34.Spending sometime with family once in a while or not: Spending sometime. Even though I kind of hate my family, they're still my family.
35.Having fun or doing something somewhere quiet: Both, again. But most of the time, having fun, Y/Y?

::If You::
36.If you had the power of Geass, what would it do? I think it would be somewhere near mind-controlling. Or the one where people would believe everything I told them.

37.If you had the choice of being born Eleven (Japanese) or Britannian, which would you choose and why? Britannian. I had quite a sentiment with Japan because in my school, they forced us to learn the language, and I generally suck at hiragana and katakana, so yeah. Britannian please.

::Last 3::
38.Include a picture or describe yourself: Short brownish-black hair with bangs, pretty much "too pretty to be male but too handsome to be female", dark brown eyes, translucent-y pale skin (you can actually see my bloody veins), about 167 centimeters tall, and people has been told me a lot of times that I am either pretty, cute, or gorgeous.
39.Anything else: I wanna live a life from a new perspective.
40.Please link the 3 people that you were able to vote for:
En, to, tre!

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