::The Basics::
1.Name: Amelia
2.Nickname(s): Mel
3.Age: 18
4.Gender: Female
5.Likes: My friends, Animals, anime/manga, video games, collecting things, going to work, hanging with friends, and going out to eat, puzzles, scented candles, brisk iced tea.
6.Dislikes: People who are mean to animals, scary things, things that are odd and different, mutated things, bees, annoying people, being ignored, being left alone, and chatspeak.
7.Fears: Being alone, dying alone, wind and thunder storms.
8.Goals/Dreams: Uh? No idea.
9.Talents: Uh? I can run on all fours? =D
10.Hobbies: Collecting things and roleplaying
11.Strong Points: I'm a good friend, I can make people laugh, I'm a very caring person, very friendly, creative, loyal to a fault and I work good with animals.
12.Weak Points: I can't do anything myself, I don't like to try new things, I make the simplest things hard for myself, I can get annoying from bugging people about things too much and I can be selfish.
13.Your General mood: Uh? It can change all the time. I've heard people say I have mood swings. I can be happy and joyful one minute then be mellow another. -shrugs-
14.What's your personality in three to six words: Compassionate, Excitable, Loyal, Loving, and Fearful.
15.Color: Navy Blue
16.Animal/Bug: Rough Collie
17.Food: Macaroni Salad
18.Sport/Game: Uh?... No idea =D;
19.Quote: It's not true that nice guys finish last. Nice guys are winners before the game even starts.
20.Code Geass Character and why: Mao, because I can't think of a reason for Lloyd just yet, but I love that man too >3> I absolutely love Mao because I've always had a love for the crazies and he was one of those sweet lonely crazies that just wanted some love... from C.C. and to live in Australia. What’s wrong with that? Mao just needs some good lovins and that’s one reason why I love the guy besides the fact that he makes me totally giddy <3. I tend to really start loving the people who are rejected and left for dead because of who they are. They always remind me of myself because when I was younger I was a little like that. Mao only wanted love and attention. Also, he reminds me of my favorite OC~
::Least Favorite::
21.Color: Yellow
22.Animal/Bug: Bees
23.Food: ... I'm not sure...
24.Sport/Game: Football
25.Code Geass Character and why: All the girls. Because they make this a girly fanservice anime and I do not like that.
::Are you::
26.Mature or Immature: Immature.
27.a Leader or Follower: Follower all the way.
28.Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic.
29.Outgoing or Shy: Both, depending on the situation.
::Do you prefer::
30.Night or Day: Night
31.Chess or Checkers: Chess, bitch.
32.Winter, Fall, Spring or Summer: Fall
33.Hanging out with a lot of people or just a few: Few friends would be nice.
34.Spending sometime with family once in a while or not: Ehhh, sure why not.
35.Having fun or doing something somewhere quiet: Doing something fun! <3
::If You::
36.If you had the power of Geass, what would it do? I can't think of one because Mao stole my idea. I do really love the mind reading though ><;
37.If you had the choice of being born Eleven (Japanese) or Britannian, which would you choose and why? Ya know, I don't really know for this one. I'd actually be fine either way, but I am pushing a little towards a Britannian because I don't want to be shunned, but I don't see anything wrong with being Japanese either. Ugh, I wouldn't be able to decide. I'll just be some screwed up cross breed >:/
::Last 3::
38.Include a picture or describe yourself:
[x][x] [x]39.Anything else: I'm sure this is total crap and I have tons of spelling mistakes =D
40.Please link the 3 people that you were able to vote for: