::The Basics::
1.Name: Stephanie
2.Nickname(s): Steph, Norkia, Norks, Beeper (if only because in the AIM chat I frequent I tend to go BEEPBEEPBEEP when things get quiet)
3.Age: 22
4.Gender: female :V
5.Likes: animals in general, animation of all kinds, dreams and daydreaming (I always look forward to seeing what crazy things my subconscious pulls out each night), mecha and aircraft (especially fantasy aircraft), wings and flight, my cats ♥, rain, seeing/experiencing/learning new things, crazy fandom crossovers, the sky, listening to music (mostly instrumental), artistic stuff, stupid memes, mythology (I adore kitsune, griffins, and the Seiryuu/Suzaku/Byakko/Genbu mythos in particular)
6.Dislikes: bullies, cruel people in general that get a sick thrill out of hurting people and animals, the sun shining in my eyes every morning, purists/elitists, condescending people, being allergic to cinnamon ;_;
7.Fears: Heights make me uncomfortable. I often have dreams of falling that constantly puts my mind in a loop of falling from a high place when I wake up from it. ._. I love airplane and monorail rides, though, so pretty much if I'm in a contained area I find heights to be fun (except for when I have to drive on tall highway loops).
8.Goals/Dreams: To actually have a goal. e_e I've pursued several goals in the past only to flop short of them, and it's tapped my motivation and nowadays I just tend to live for the present day instead of dwelling on the past or looking forward to the future. I really don't know what I'd like to do in life, even at this age, and... I just wish that I could find my true calling to help me make the most of life.
9.Talents: I'm a decent artist; nothing superb and I haven't polished my skills lately, but I can wing it sometimes. I have some technical knowledge; not mega ultra super genius, but I work with audio/visual stuff for a living (runs in the family) and I'm building plenty of skills in that area.
10.Hobbies: Toy/figure collecting (mostly mecha model kits, various Pokemon goods, and stuffed animals), surfing the internet, driving and going places, visiting zoos and wildlife parks, daydreaming, watching TV and movies (mostly cooking shows and animated stuff of all varieties), sleeping, playing video games
11.Strong Points: I'm not judgmental at the drop of a hat. I tend to care for the well-being of others. I'm observant and thoughtful (though I perhaps look into things TOO much that I miss other details). I can keep secrets and I never "take sides" or want to have any involvement in petty quarrels, though I will defend a person if I know that they're being wrongfully talked about.
12.Weak Points: I'm lazy and disorganized. e_e I'm very unmotivated and find it difficult to focus (though amazingly, when I am able to focus, I can never be torn away from whatever I'm working at). I'm a packrat and have lots of junk lying around that I just don't need. I'm a bit too sensitive and tend to take some things more seriously than I should and I have a quick temper- in fact, I tend to be TOO serious at times. I think I annoy people, ahaha. Very shy and distant from others, awkward in social situations, inarticulate, very unassertive, and I tend to lack confidence in myself and often beat myself up. I'm also hesitant to tell people my true feelings at times. I tend to look at smaller details and completely miss the big picture. Oh, and I'm VERY fickle and indecisive. x_x
13.Your General mood: Docile.
14.What's your personality in three to six words: quiet, imaginative, lazy, thoughtful, emotional, curious
15.Color: Silvery blue/light blue-grey, though I also really like purple, grey/silver, and other blues
16.Animal/Bug: I'm drawn to birds in general, and I'm fascinated with their flight. Red-winged blackbirds are my favorite because of their beautiful calls and appearances. I'm also fond of my cats, servals, American martens, anteaters, and... well, just about any other animal. :D
17.Food: Seafood and fish. :D Lots and lots of it.
18.Sport/Game: Does hiking in the outdoors count? If not, then SCRABBLE. :U
19.Quote: "Not a dog, not a wolf. All he knows is what he's not. If only he could see what he is." -- Boris (Balto)
20.Code Geass Character and why:
Anya. I was fascinated by her whole memory dilemma and finding out that she was just a girl in the wrong place at the wrong time, and despite the serious nature of her background, she's a source of comic relief as well; what's not to be amusing about taking pictures of people when they least expect it and in humiliating moments (while intending no harm) and using Mordred for a simple school activity when she didn't know better? XD I also consider Kallen (strong both in personality and in a knightmare) and Gino (such a fun personality and serious business when the job calls for it~) to be my other faves, and I adore Arthur. ♥
And on top of all of that, I tend to fangirl all of the Knights of Rounds probably too much, considering most of them are bit characters- they're such an awesome band of characters, regardless. :D
::Least Favorite::
21.Color: puke yellow
22.Animal/Bug: I normally like all animals, including most insects, but the one big exception is the mosquito. They're irritating, parasitic creatures and are incredibly common. Such a nuisance.
23.Food: Cauliflower.
24.Sport/Game: I'm very unathletic and tend to not care for sports in general. XD I guess dodgeball takes the cake considering how many times I got hit by the ball in gym class... even when I wasn't playing.
25.Code Geass Character and why: Eh, V.V. I just never really cared for him, even when he was bleeding all over the place. :x
::Are you::
26.Mature or Immature: Eh, both. I can be a really spoiled brat at times or find humor in the stupidest things and make stupid jokes and comments, but at the same time other people who act immature irk me and I'd like to think of myself as more mature than them. e_e
27.a Leader or Follower: Definitely a follower. I'm incompetent as a leader, and I feel more comfortable being ordered around than having something crucial rest on my shoulders.
28.Optimistic or Pessimistic: In-between. I know that life won't be all sunshine and daisies, but there will be many positive moments in life, no matter how short or few (or long and many) they may be.
29.Outgoing or Shy: Very shy~
::Do you prefer::
30.Night or Day: Day. I love staring at blue skies dotted with clouds (though starry nights are also lovely).
31.Chess or Checkers: Checkers. I'm not smart enough to play chess. 8D
32.Winter, Fall, Spring or Summer: Fall. It's just the right temperature and the color-changing leaves make for gorgeous scenery.
33.Hanging out with a lot of people or just a few: Just a few. I'm very withdrawn as is and dislike large crowds.
34.Spending sometime with family once in a while or not: I love spending time with my family.
35.Having fun or doing something somewhere quiet: Having fun while doing something somewhere quietly.
::If You::
36.If you had the power of Geass, what would it do?
I'm torn between wanting a hallucination/illusion geass and an animal taming geass. Both would be fun; the former would play on my fascination with dreams and the latter would let me hug and cuddle all sorts of dangerous animals. Then again, the former really wouldn't be beneficial unless I was defending someone against another person (I wouldn't want to abuse it) and I dunno, I think my ethics would get in the way of wanting to use the latter unless, again, it was in self-defense, though I STILL Want to run up to a lion to hug it.
37.If you had the choice of being born Eleven (Japanese) or Britannian, which would you choose and why?
Eh, I'm indifferent, really. I suppose I'd relate to the Elevens better since I was bullied while growing up, but it really isn't a matter of race. I'd probably get bullied all the same if I was a Britannian. :V I'd like to join the army if it means getting close to all sorts of awesome knightmare frames, though. (Clearly my priorities are straight when all I'd want to do is play with dangerous robots and fangirl Knights of Rounds instead of HAILING BRITANNIA.)
::Last 3::
38.Include a picture or describe yourself: I'd like to abstain, please. XD No recent photos and I just think the inside is all that matters~
39.Anything else: Lancelot/Guren is my OTP. ♥ (Yes, the Knightmares themselves. \o/)
40.Please link the 3 people that you were able to vote for: