I'm honestly amazed nobody had discovered this issue yet... the ATMs have been set up like this for a while! Maybe it's just that nobody had been using an ATM that responded that slowly to input?
This fascinates me. Firstly, because I have *never* had anything even remotely like this happen, and I almost exclusively bank with BofA ATMs that look exactly like this one. But moreso because I am constantly saying to people how I don't believe any voter touch-screen machines could legitimately malfunction, and I use my many years of error-free ATM use and lack of friends' complaints as my reason. Clearly, I can no longer make that claim, so I guess now I have to concede that perhaps all these voting machine problems (at least the touch-screen ones) might be legit and not due to any consipracy.
I've had problems with parallax on the same ATMs, where because of where I was standing, it looked like I was pressing $20 but it actually registered as pressing $30. (And I've mentioned this in any DKos thread where someone pipes up and claims that touch-screen ATMs don't have the same parallax issues as voting machines...)
Comments 7
I wonder if there is any way it can get reported?
But, yes, that is horrible UI design.
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