Cosplay Photospam; Kuroshitsuji-edition

Aug 17, 2009 23:59

I'm so ridiculously back-logged in posting photos that it is not even funny. I mean, I still haven't even posted YaoiCon stuff and that was almost a year ago! *shakes head*. There's been a lot going on with losing my server space and my computer resigning from connecting to the internet and so on. However, in an attempt to work my way out of the ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

lira_chan August 18 2009, 02:27:44 UTC
Um, I never talk to you any more, but I do still read your journal. ^^;; And since half of my anime friends from club are into Kuroshitsuji now, I had to look at your cosplay pics! I probably don't have anything useful to say for you as a cosplayer, but my inner fangirl is squeeing, so you've been informed. I also did wonder at the color of the coat, because I think I am aware of the crazy color-changing, and wasn't positive it was right. But hey, you explained! So thanks. :D In general, awesome cosplay! And the memorial stone thing didn't actually bother me. ._. Too busy looking at you and Ciel ( ... )


codename_windy August 18 2009, 20:01:58 UTC
Ah, but can there really be better feedback to a cosplay than fangirl squeeing? ^_~ Making someone fangirl is really the ultimate ego boost, in my opinion. *quite smug from teh flattery~*

Sure, cosplay tips can be highly useful feedback. When it comes to criticism, however, I'm pretty sure I actually *know* everything that is wrong and it is irking me already even without people bringing it up. XD;;

I didn't personally think the memorial stone was too big of blasphemy, but I figured it might offend some people's sensitivities. Graveyards do have a bit of religious connection, afterall.

Aaw, definitely no need to buzz off! I've been quite preoccupied myself too, so I haven't been communicating online as much as I used to. x_X;; Also, in all honesty, I was somewhat unsure of where you stood in terms of what happened between me and Lavie. Some people were taking sides and I do know that there have been less than favourable evaluations of me as a person in her journal. So I wasn't really sure how you felt&thought of the whole thing.


lira_chan August 18 2009, 23:38:50 UTC
Ahaha, I'm glad the fangirl squeeing was appreciated. xD I was totally going to try and show this to my Kuro fangirl friends too. They asked for a link when I fangirled at them (ahaha I'm horrible) and I warned them that there was slight Sebastian/Ciel (they don't seem to mind, even though they don't really ship it. One of them said they thought it was canon? I think I've mentioned that in our group, our Ciel is Cassie, and just Cassie herself and anyone... It makes you not want to pair her character with anyone when she's that character. xD) BUT YEAH YAY SMUG. :3 ( ... )


codename_windy August 21 2009, 18:34:45 UTC
If you do show your friends the photos, I totally expect to hear their comments/thoughts! >P ( ... )


ramika August 18 2009, 14:06:18 UTC
Dude, you're awesome. <3 Personally, I love the way you make wigs look good. Not everyone can do that, no.
I haven't watched Kuroshitsuji, but that isn't needed to say this is one smexy cosplay. :D
Also, damn Kii for being permanently cute.


codename_windy August 18 2009, 19:47:41 UTC
Aw, gosh, flattery~!
... even if I totally *am* awesome. >3

I'm not really all that convinced I can pull of looking good in a wig, especially a short wig, but I do try to do what I can. The big trick is make-up, which needs to be strong/dark enough to not loose to the wig in terms of colours. *nodnod*

Indeed, indeed. Kii really looks cute no matter what. At least perma-cute people are good for cosplaying molestable shota boys, though. >3 Fufufu~


jellicle_kii August 18 2009, 14:47:24 UTC
Lol toi kuva on just paras mis puuteroit tota kättä ja taustal näkyy ku nostelen mun housui :''D<3

Oli kiva cossaa sun kaa :D Mut ens kerral et jätä mua yksin sinne lastentarhaan :DDDD

Aa, hei millon nähään?!??!?!


codename_windy August 18 2009, 19:43:22 UTC
Joo, niis kuvissa oli muutamia varsin loistavia paparazzi otoksia. XD;; Olisin postannut enemmänkin noita "omake" kuvia, mut en sit jaksanut tapella Pain(t) Shopin kanssa tähän hätään.

Ok, ens kerralla mä jään sun kanssa lastentarhaan. ^_~ How's that, babe? <3 Mut juu, kiitoksia kun cossasit mun kanssa!

Nähään heti kun sulle sopii. Voidaan näkyillä vaikka kaupungillakin, tai sit vois sitä anime sivistämistä koettaa joku päivä/ilta/yö...?


jellicle_kii August 20 2009, 10:20:47 UTC
Mulle käy melkein joka päivä oikeestii, kosk mul ei oo oikein kouluu eikä hirveesti töitäkään enää :''''D Idlaan vaan lol.

Tää viikonloppu mul on viel duunii, mut esim ens viikol pitäs toistaiseks kaikki päivät käydä :D

Joojoo, animejuttui myös! Mut ne pitäs varmaan sopii jotenki meikun kautta, koska se on nii busy aina. :'(


codename_windy August 21 2009, 18:16:38 UTC
Ei mulkaan hei viel oo kouluu eikä ole edelleenkään oikein töitä, eli oon kans aika joustavalla aikataululla. Eli oisko siis joku päivä ens viikolla bueno? Keksiviikko ei oo paras päivä mulle, mutta muuten ei kai pitäisi olla mitään tiettyyn aikaan sidottua tekemistä.

Mjoo, töki meikkua siitä jossain välissä, kun kumminniin oot siihen enemmän yhteyksissä.


necrovalentine August 27 2009, 19:39:59 UTC
Nrrrrrrrrrr how did I miss this entry? *punches self in arm* ... ow.

Devastatingly lovely, the two of you. :)


codename_windy September 4 2009, 19:46:46 UTC
Lovely? Aw gosh, I don't think I've been called that since... well, never. XD


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