Arranging Life in Tokyo, part 1: Accommodation

Sep 18, 2010 22:11

As I started this post, it was my honest intend to make several LJ-cuts and go over where I am in terms of all the different aspects of settling down in a new country, new city and new phrase of life. However, it soon became evident that such an entry would be of monstrous length, what with how wordy I am and also with simply how much content there ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

jellicle_kii September 18 2010, 15:52:59 UTC
Aaaah, oon venannu koko ajan et sust kuuluis jotain elonmerkkei sielt japanist!!

Ikävää, et asunnossa on ongelmia. Mut muuten menee hyvin?? Onks sun koulu alkanu jo?

Mä oon tullu siihen tulokseen, et varmaan haen kolmannen vuoden syksyks vaihtoon, nii voit sit kertoo kaikkii vinkkei. :D


larlar_ulysses September 18 2010, 17:47:46 UTC
Well, I would say the term 'adventure' is certainly fitting, at least? >_> I really hope you get the living situation sorted in a way that won't damage your health too much soon - having lived with mould for just over five years on and off I know EXACTLY how bad for you/irritating it can be! *hug*

I hope you're having a good time too, though! I'll drop you an email at some point soon because I for one would LOVE to hear all about EVERYTHING! <3


sarabi_v2 September 18 2010, 17:53:47 UTC
No no, this is not fair at all! You're supposed to have fun awesome happy times not annoying bad stuff like this! I'm so sorry things aren't going like you'd hoped. That landlady sounds like an evil bitch. *shakes fist at her*

I'm not really sure what I can do to help, other than offering support and hoping things look up for you. I could write some Taisuke to cheer you up though if you'd like!

Oh yeah, I'm on 2-week vacation starting next Tuesday ~ if you need to chat just email me or LJ message and I'll make every effort to be on whenever is convenient for you. The least I can do is cheer you up with stories of the dumb crap that happens to me ~ its quite a deep and endless well as you already know. <3

P.S. (Cause this wasn't long enough already) The doujinshi did indeed arrive and I squeed for a full five minutes before I actually OPENED the package and beheld the awesomeness that is Taikeru doujinshi! I was like yelling SEE IT DOES EXIST at my cat I was so happy. XD

So once again THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! <3<3<3<


maggifan September 18 2010, 18:47:47 UTC
0.0 wow, I didn't know you moved to Japan.
I haven't been much in update with Lj.

Hope you can find a better location to live or at least the lady to realize that there is a problem in the room. @__@
You are so brave dear, moving to another country by yourself.


Hei ystävä. anonymous September 24 2010, 15:27:22 UTC
On kurjaa kuulla, että kissätäti osoittautui mäntiksi. En olisi kissaihmisestä uskonut. Toivottavasti saat asuntoasiat pian järjestykseen, asunto on kuitenkin aikas olennainen osa normielämää. JA on tylsää, että joudut kaiken muun stressin keskellä murehtimaan vielä siitäkin. Onko koulu jo alkanut? Onko kivaa/kauheaa/käsittämätöntä/ei-voisi-vähempää-kiinnostavaa?
Onko söpöjä poikia samoilla kursseilla?

Jos en nyt täysin kämmännyt (täytin viisumihakemuksesta osan tekstaten, vaikka ohjeissa erikseen käskettiin käyttää tikkukirjaimia, muun muassa), olisin kuin olisinkin tulossa tammikuussa Jaappaniin. YEY! Nagoyaan tosin, mutta sehän on semilähellä Tokiota. Haaveilin jo, että reissaisimme kesällä (minun kouluni loppuu toukokuun lopussa) ympäri maata, olettaen tietysti että sinulla on jotain lomaa ja että saan tarpeeksi pitkän viisumin. Mitäs sanoo hän?


PS. HY:n kampus ei ole yhtään niin kotoisa ilman sinua. Snif.


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