Anthrocon was awesome and here's why!
So ok. Anthrocon was a little over a week ago, and it was just CRAZY fun, and a tad lifechanging. I know I will forget things and people so if I do FORGIVE ME.
I'm just gonna hit some bulletpoints that stand out for me.
- Rooming with Cornwall and company on Wednesday night out of the blue (thanks guys you rock)
- Rooming with Spats, Emerson, Maxxarcade, and Nickwolf for the rest of the con. (More rocking here too!)
- Getting Nick out in Codex and Didge for his first con suiting experience. Also getting to hang out with him as well, YOU ARE FANTASTIC DOOD!
- Getting to be SUITING AGAIN FINALLY!! And suiting with all my best friends!
- Wearing Satellite Rat and Bosco Bear, THAT was an honor, priveledge, and I thank you guys for the oppurtunity! Thank you Jimmy!
- Drake and Hegdish wearing Codex. Was awesome to see him being portrayed by you guys.
- Getting to hang with all you awesome frickin furries!
- Special time with Croc.
- Camper sandwich.
- Primanti's sandwiches with a crew of friends.
- Drinking at Tonic with Tilt and crew in suit. TILT MY BOY!! GOOD SHOW!
- Sushi with Gerrark, Kipper, Drew, Goldenrod, and Nick. DAMN GOOD.
- Co hosting my first ever conpanel with Nevermint "First Time Fursuiting" It turned out great!
- Watching fireworks on the roof of the concenter with a very special rat in my arms. This moment really stood out to me and is something that I'll remember the rest of my life.
- Hanging with ARITO and his awesome new suit ZIGGY! *steals it*
- Talking to the ever cool Chilly, and getting some SWEET new conbadges.
- Meeting and talking to Ben Balistreri, and getting a signed copy of his book Seaweed!
- The cookout at the Marriot, Drake can grill a mean sausage, and thats no jive.
- Theome's gator gift to cheer me up.
- Orzel dancing it up as usual :P
- Croc's AMAZING DJ set.
There are plenty of other things but my memory is spotty at best with this stuff, ESPECIALLY when I'm in suit. I don't know how many of you suffer from this but when I suit, I tend to lose track of time, memory, and location. I think that I really get so into it that I forget about that I'm doing and just exist as the character. Ah well, the price I pay for fun :P
Now with all this amazing stuff that happened, there was some great sadness. I'm sure you saw my previous post about my friend's dad. I got the word about that on Thursday morning. He was a great guy, and losing him really hit me. Luckily all my friends at the con did everything in their power to help me through it, and I love all you guys for that seriously. On the roof watchin fireworks in suit with Hegdish, he rolled something off that was very profound... it was to the effect of... "Isn't it amazing standing here, watching the celebration of the freedom we have that lets us do something like this?" And a little after that I just broke down, and we stood there hugging for a bit while I got it out of my system. Its amazing you know? What things in life can make you think and realize things.
Well, for the last few months I have been in deep thought about life, and where its going for me. The events of the weekend really brought some things into focus, none more so than my friend's eulogy for his father. Ralph was a really strong individual, the MS that he had for 15 years gave him constant pain, but he never complained. And thats the kind of strength that I wish to have in my life.
So, all of this, allowed me to finally come out and say, I'm gay.
My parents know, most of my friends know, now you the reader know (unless you are one of the ones i told already then FEEL PRIVELEGED :P) Everybody has been supportive so far, and if someone isnt thats fine too. I know that some things may be harder, but I finally feel confident enough about myself to just be out with it.
So Anthrocon 2009, it was lifechanging, and I couldn't be happier about it ^_^
Thank you my friends!
I'll post some pics later of the con and events.