So yeah, nothing good is going on right now, so i think i'll take this little, ok, massive, survey deal from suzy
Have you ever
( ) smoked a cigarette
( ) smoked a cigar
( ) smoked anything else
( ) made out with a member of the same sex
( ) crashed a friend's car
(x) been in love
( ) been dumped
( ) shoplifted
( ) been fired
(x) been in a fist fight
(x) snuck out of parent's house
(x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
( ) been arrested
( ) made out with a stranger
( )gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend
( ) had a crush on a teacher
(x) skipped school
( ) slept with a co-worker
( ) seen someone die
(x) been to Canada
( ) been to Mexico
(x) been on a plane
( ) thrown up in a bar
(x) eaten Sushi
(x) been snowboarding
(x) been moshing at a concert
( ) been in an abusive relationship
(x) taken painkillers
(x) love/like someone right now
(x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
(x) made a snow angel
( )had a tea party
(x) flown a kite
(x) built a sand castle
(x) gone puddle jumping
(x) played dress up
(x) jumped into a pile of leaves
(x) gone sledding
(x) been lonely
(x) fallen asleep at work/school
( ) used a fake ID
(x) watched the sun set
( ) felt an earthquake
(x) touched a snake
(x) been tickled
(x) been robbed
( ) robbed someone
(x) been misunderstood
( ) pet a reindeer
(x) won a contest
( ) been suspended from school
(x) had detention
(x) been in a car accident
(x) had braces
(x) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(x) had deja vu
(x) danced in the moonlight
(x) hate or hated the way you look
(x) witnessed a crime
( ) pole danced
(x) questioned your heart....i've questioned everything before
( ) been obsessed with post-it notes
(x) squished barefoot through the mud
(x) been lost
(x) been to the opposite side of the country (only born there ha)
(x) swam in the ocean
(x) felt like dying
( ) cried yourself to sleep
(x) played cops and robbers
(x) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
(x) sung karaoke
(x) paid for a meal with only coins
(x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(x) made prank phone calls
(x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) caught a snowflake on your tongue
( ) kissed in the rain
(x) written a letter to Santa Claus
( ) been kissed under a mistletoe
(x) watched the sun set with someone you care about....and rise....: )
(x) blown bubbles
(x) made a bonfire on the beach
( ) crashed a party
(x) have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people...nonconsecutively
(x) gone rollerskating/blading
(x) had a wish come true
( ) humped a monkey ( WTF?)
(x) worn pearls
( ) jumped off a bridge
(x) screamed "penis" in class(...duh...the penis game...)
(x) told a complete stranger you loved them (fun times, haha)
( ) screamed " I gotta go poop!" in the middle of a church service or mass
(x) sang in the shower
( ) have a little black dress
( ) had sex in a park
( ) had sex in the bathroom
(x) had a dream that you married someone
(x) glued your hand to something
( ) got your tongue stuck to a pole
(x) kissed a fish (what little kid doesn't, haha)
(x) worn the opposite sexes clothes (halloween baby)
(x) sat on a roof top
( ) had sex at a church (i haven't had sex anywhere, shucks)
(x) screamed at the top of your lungs
(x) done a one-handed cartwheel
(x) talked on the phone for more than 3 hours
(x) stayed up all night ...hehe
( ) didn’t take a shower for a week
( ) pick and ate an apple right off the tree
(x) climbed a tree
(x) had a tree house...well, something remeniscent of one
(x) are scared to watch scary movies alone (well not scared to, but can be scared after)
( ) believe in ghosts
( ) have more then 30 pairs of shoes
(x) worn a really ugly outfit to school (i'm sure of it back in the day haha)
( ) gone streaking
(x) played ding-dong-ditch
(x) played chicken fight
( ) been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on...not all, i was taking clothes off to jump in and they got me off-guard
(x) been told you're hot by a complete stranger
( ) broken a bone
(x) been easily amused
(x) caught a fish then ate it
( ) made porn
(x) caught a butterfly
(x) laughed so hard you cried
(x) cried so hard you laughed
(x) had someone moon/flash you
(x) cheated on a test
(x) forgotten someone's name
(x) slept naked
(x) French braided someones hair (i tried)
( ) gone skinny dippin (for some reason i think i'm alone with that one, haha)
1. Suzy
2. music
3. the comp
4. football
5. my family
6. my house
7. misty pup
8. zip ups
9. cuddling
10. good movies
11. being warm on cold nights
12. being warm on cold nights with suzy =D
13. random beautiful pictures
1. Mean Girls
2. The Matrix
3. Not another teen movie
4. Anchorman
5. You got served (hahahaha)
6. Napoleon Dynomite
7. Saving private ryan (should be on the top of the list)
8. Gladiator
9. Apocalypse Now
10. Austin Powers 2 and 3
11. Scary movie 2 and 3
12. Family Guy dvds? heh
1. Ben Folds (5)
2. Aphex Twin
3. Mae
4. As i lay dying
5. Alice in Chains
6. Soundgarden
7. Gorillaz
8. Tool
9. Rufio
10. Rjd2
11. Squarepusher
(1) Your gender: male
(2) Straight/gay/bi?: straight
(3) Single?: no
(4) Want to be?: not at all
(5) Your birth day: Dec 21st,1989
(6) Age you act: i'm told older than i am?
(7) Age you wish you were: 19.
(8) Your height: 5'11''
(9) The color of your eyes: greenish-gray
(10) Happy with it?: sure
(11) The color of your hair: dark brown
(12) Happy with it?: it works for me
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous?: ambi pretty much
(14) Your living arrangement?: home
(27) Your family: mom, dad, bro, and a dog
(29) What's your job: notta
(30) Piercings?: 0 so far, but thinking of 1
(31) Tattoos?: nope
(32) Obsessions?: music, the awesome one (suzy, haha)
(35) Do you speak another language? learning spanish, would like to learn russian
(36) Have a favorite lyric?: of the moment, my fav. is Old Bastard by Ben Folds
(37) Do you have a webpage?: LJ and myspace
DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it
(38) Do you live in the moment?: live in the moment, think about the future
(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: yes
(40) Do you have any secrets?: enough
(41) Do you hate yourself?: when i do stupid things
(42) Do you like your handwriting?: not at all haha
(43) Do you have any bad habits?: who doesn't
(44) What is the compliment you get most from people?: i'd say smart
(45) Has anyone close to you died? uhm, great-gpa, so not that close
(46) What's your biggest fear?: not getting to live my life, that's about it really
(47) Can you sing?: ehh, i guess
(48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: no
(49) Are you a loner?: if i choose to be
(51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: probably, but we may have our disagreements, heh
(52) Are you a daredevil?: usually no, but i have my random moments
(53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: i fear my confidence but don't hate it
(54) Are you passive or aggressive?: i'd say depends
(55) Have you got a question: why?
What is your greatest strength and weakness? strength: solving problems
and getting things done, weakness: putting stuff off i should do now.
(57) If you could change one thing about yourself?: Better skin, be more motivated
(58) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: love
(59) How do you vent?: talk to suzy, tap on my desk (often forcefully), and listen to music
(60) Do you think you are emotionally strong?: strong enough
(61) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: not much
(62) Do you think life has been good so far?: i'd say so
(63) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: Too many
(64) What do you like the most about your body?: nothing in particular really
(65) And least?: skin, thick ass hair
(66) Do you think you are good looking?: nothing special
(71) Smoke?: no
(72) Do drugs?: no
(73) Read the newspaper? while i eat sometimes
(74) Pray?: no.
(75) Go to church? no.
(76) Talk to strangers who IM you?: only to find out who they are
(77) Sleep with stuffed animals?: nope
(78) Take walks in the rain?: i have before
(79) Talk to people even though you hate them?: not usually
(80) Drive?: yes
(81) Like to drive fast?: not really
(82) Liked your voice?: sure
(83) Hurt yourself?: dur
(84) Been out of the country?: once or twice
(85) Eaten something that made other people sick?: yeah, bad mexican food
(86) Burped?: ask suzy, hahahaha
(87) Been unfaithful?: nope
(88) Been in love?: yes.
(89) Done drugs?: no
(90) Gone skinny dipping?: nope
(92) Had a surgery?: no
(93) Ran away from home?: nu uh
(94) Played strip poker: nah
(95) Gotten beaten up?: no
(97) Been picked on?: yeah
(98) Been on stage?: Yes
Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with
someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint
when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention
your breath?:
(100) Slept outdoors?: yup
(101) Thought about suicide?: thought about the world without me, but not much about the act
(102) Pulled an all-nighter?: yup
(103) If yes, what is your record?: 10 pm the following night
(105) Talked on the phone all night?: not all night, but a lot
(106) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: must say that i have
(107) Slept all day?: yes.
(108) Killed someone?: no
(109) Made out with a stranger?:no
(110) Had sex with a stranger?: definentally no
(111) Thought you're going crazy?: yes
(112) Kissed the same sex?: no
(113) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: god no
(114) Been betrayed?: yes
(115) Had a dream that came true?: yes
(116) Broken the law?: no
(117) Met a famous person?: pretty sure yes
(118) Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: yeah, snake with a lawnmower, messy story
(146) Stolen anything? nu uh
(147) Been on radio/TV.?: yah.
(148) Been in a mosh-pit?: have and probably won't much anymore after having a girl's head thrown into my nose
(149) Had a nervous breakdown?: i'd say so. a long and drawn out one
(150) Considered religious vocation?: nope
(151) Been criticized about your sexual performance?: no
(152) Bungee jumped?: no, but i've done rip-cord
(153) Had a dream that kept coming back?: not really
CLOTHES and other fashion
(154) Shoe brand?: skate shoes in general
(155)Brand of clothing?: hollister, ae, billabong
(156) Cologne/perfume?: not sure
(157) What are you normally wearing to school?: uniform shirt and khaki cargos
(159) Wear hats?: no
(161) Wear make-up?: because i'm so, i don't
(162) Favorite place to shop?: the mall in general
(163) Favorite article of clothing?: hmm, maybe some of my jeans
(164) Are you trendy?: i basically just wear what i like
(165) Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: i have to already
LOVE, and all that
(182) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?: nope
(183) Do you remember your first love?: true love, i could never forget =)
(184) Still love him/her?: yes.
(185) Do you consider love a mistake?: definitely not.
(186) What do you find romantic?: holding someone, watching the sun come up, being wayyy too cute haha
(188) Turn-off?: whores
Do you base your judgment on looks alone: no, but i think love is hard
to acheive without physical attraction, so there needs to be that
(200) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed
interest in dating you, how would you feel?: awkward and bad about
crushing them
(201) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?: necessary
Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to
ask a guy out?: i have no problems with the way things are
(203) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? i think so
(204)think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: maybe?
(205)What is best about the opposite sex?: how much better they are to talk to, and many other things
(206) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: hmm...hard to read sometimes?
(207) What's the last present someone gave you? hope to give and get one this weekend =)
(208) Are you in love?: am and always hope to be =D
(211) That haunted you?: no one
(212) You wanted to kill?: no one
(213) That you laughed at?: suzy
(214) That laughed at you?: suzy again
(215) That gave you butterflies?: choir at prayer service today, haha
(216) You went shopping with?: My mom
(217) That broke your heart?: can't say it's ever been broken really
(218) To disappoint you?: wow, i don't even know. i don't put expectations on ppl if i don't have to
(219) To ask you out?: i'll say suzy since it was kinda mutual =)
(220) To make you cry?: it's been awhile. probably life in general
(221) To brighten up your day? suzy, since it's pretty much her job haha
(222) That you thought about?: suzy, all the time
(223) You saw a movie with?: my bro
(224) You talked to on the phone?: my mother
(225) You talked to through IM?: suzy, currently haha
(226) You saw?: My mom
(227) You lost?:died? wowzers...great-gpa i think.
(229) You thought was completely insane?: dorian heh
(230) You wanted to be?: never had a problem with me
(231) You told off?: shane, for being an asshole
(232) You trusted?: hmm, hard to say
(233) You turned down?: aaron to hang out at a school bonfire today
(234) Smiled?: just now.
(235) Laughed?: in the locker room a few hours ago
(236) Cried?: not sure, probably when i laughed really hard
(237) Bought something?: hmm, lunch
(238) Danced? just ghetto dancing to rap music in the locker room, haha
(239) Were sarcastic?: often
(240) hugged someone?: not sure.
(241) Talked to an ex?: the other day (ew).
(248) Went out?: in what sense of the word?
(254) Missed someone?: a lot
(257) Had a serious conversation?: yesterday.
(258) Got drunk?: i don't think i've been quote unquote "drunk"
(259) Had sex?: i haven't