Title: Final Countdown
coexist_loveMusic By: Europe
Summary: When the Cylons hit the Colonies, the final countdown began.
Characters: Bill Adama, Laura Roslin, Number Six, Gauis Baltar, Sharon, Helo, Starbuck, Lee, and more...
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Title: Forsaken
coexist_loveMusic By: Within Temptation
Summary: The day the Cylons hit the Colonies the human race began to see how forsaken they really were.
Characters: Bill Adama, Laura Roslin, Number Six, Gauis Baltar, Admiral Cain, Kendra Shaw, Starbuck, Cylon Centurions, Sharon, Helo, and more
Editors Notes: I tried to approach this using clips from the miniseries and razor since they were both set with a similar timeline.
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