more BSG sock yarn! How can I take it?

Apr 02, 2009 14:58 BSG sock yarn buying craze continues.

I have decided that my ultimate goal is to make as many BSG inspired socks that I can. I already have the first five or six queued and my Starbuck/Apollo sock yarn arrived on Monday so I can finally start my Viper Pilot socks.

However my latest yarn buying craze is this:

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sock yarn, bsg knitting patterns, conference paper, knitting projects, bsg, mossad, bsg sock yarn, socks

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Comments 10

liz_love April 2 2009, 19:28:06 UTC
Are you crazy or what?! ^^ Lovely colors though.

Where have you been btw? Busy much?


coexist_love April 2 2009, 21:55:24 UTC
I know so pretty right? Now I just need to order lots and lots of sock yarn :) Think I am going to buy many many skeins next order from KnitPicks. :)

I am good. I spent the last couple days doing scholarship stuff so of course right now this weekend is mine! I am thinking I will destress and knit lots.


liz_love April 2 2009, 22:04:54 UTC
VERY pretty ^^ You're going to ruin yourself, you know that? *g*

Good good, knit knit knit. It's the only way to survive!


coexist_love April 3 2009, 00:16:42 UTC
Yea it is. I am making so many socks right now. I should link you guys to all of them. Of course then you will probably think "Coexist has gone off the deep end"

Have you decided to buy BSG yet?


Eye of Jupiter sock yarn for the win. return2zero April 3 2009, 04:33:30 UTC
Took me a second to realize what you meant.


Re: Eye of Jupiter sock yarn for the win. coexist_love April 3 2009, 05:22:41 UTC
YAY!!!!! I am so excited.

P.S. Love your icon!"


m' icon return2zero April 3 2009, 10:08:54 UTC
yeppers. that's me last January!
And this icon is me and my sis on the beach!


Re: m' icon coexist_love April 3 2009, 15:21:50 UTC
Sweeet!!! :)


claudiasharon April 4 2009, 12:18:09 UTC
Obsessed much? :P


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