Title: Bedtime Stories
Jonghyun/Key ; PG
Taemin wanted a story before going to bed. Not that he wasn’t all childish and fluff, but he liked to release his inner child that seemed to be kept away majority of his time.
“Jinki-hyung, please tell me a story while I’m still awake,” He asked the leader who sat on his bed, fluffing his pillows. Taemin snuggled his own pillow, sitting cross legged but tipped over on his side, still smiling and awaiting for an answer.
“A story? Like what kind of story?”
“Anything, something ‘mature’ maybe?” Taemin added, shrugging his shoulders. If this request seemed childish, why not ask for an ‘adult’ theme?
The leader rubbed his non-existent facial hair on his face and hummed. As soon as an idea sparked, he slapped his knee and gave a wide smile. “I’ve got it!” He looked around with suspicion then crawled over to Taemin’s bed, closely sitting next to the fallen lump. “Kibum before, wasn’t like that. Did you know?”
This seemed more like gossip time than story time, but same difference.
The magnae brought himself back up and lifted a brow. He didn’t believe those last lines his hyung had spoken. “He wasn’t…divalicious?”
“Nope. He was completely good-boy, listened to his elders and whatnot.”
“How the heck did he become what he is now?”
“That’s a good question.” Jinki couldn’t give the magnae an answer because he didn’t know completely. All he could recall was long before Shinee existed, Kibum came back one day with a new face. It was a complete change. “I’m not sure.”
Story time had been cut short as soon as Jonghyun entered the bedroom, towel at his shoulder. He gave the two a peculiar look.
“You didn’t hear anything, did you Jjong?” Onew squinted his eyes, biting his lower lip. Slightly frozen from the neck down.
Jonghyun leaned against the door frame and a smug smile appeared on his lips. “Hmm, not that much. I’ve gotta brush my teeth but I’ll tell you two something,” He cleared is throat and crossed his arms. “You’d be surprised what a bottle of alcohol and some flavored condoms can do to a person. It‘s amazing.”
The singer left with a smile on his face as he made his way to the bathroom, leaving the magnae and leader mentally scarred for the night.