The house is quiet.
I dropped the girls off at daycare for their first full day. I start work this coming Monday, but wanted the girls to adjust while I didn't have to worry about being fully awake during the day. I'll also get some stuff done around the house. I need to get a few things to wear, too, since my pre-pregnancy work clothes certainly do not fit.
I have been missing El Segundo alot. It was such a paradise of ocean breeze, cute downtown, great playgrounds, active and friendly moms, tons of friends for Eloise and Amelia. But Chantilly is a new experience, and much closer to the normal lives of most Americans I imagine. Bedroom communities linked by a road of chain restaurants and malls. At least the spring and summer are beautiful with the trees and warm weather. We have a pass to Shenandoah park and are hoping to do some camping this summer.
My hobbies have dried up in the past few years. I used to be cool - bagpipes, flying, stained glass, various adventures with friends. Now I'm mom. Though if we can figure out how to take care of the girls I may get back into flying. It's amazing what possibilities open up when there's a 2nd income. It doesn't look like there are any local pipe bands, though. That hobby may have to wait.
It's 11am, and no phone calls yet from the daycare. I guess they must be fine.
I am looking forward to work, though. It'll be a good change of pace, fun to get back into engineering, and fun to talk with other engineers again. I had been feeling rather swept up in the whole processes, not being sure if this was really the path I should be taking. But then I finally read Esther, and I am going into this with a "bloom where you're planted" attitude.
Time for me to get some stuff done around the house here. I'm going to install a new kitchen light, try to repair the upstairs bathroom floor, and maybe put in a shelf support for the kitchen shelf unit. Busy, busy!