♚ Anyone got tumblr? Add?

Nov 27, 2010 19:26

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Comments 25

neavalhalla November 27 2010, 08:49:46 UTC
mine is http://nauiyeoshin.tumblr.com and I've followed you ;)


coffeeinlove November 27 2010, 08:51:28 UTC
yay! I really want to get closer to you since you're such an amazing writer <3333


neavalhalla November 27 2010, 09:03:46 UTC
wow thanks <3 i'm very flattered right now lol
your writing is also great! i do wanna get closer with you kekeke xD


coffeeinlove November 27 2010, 09:16:21 UTC
I've added you as my friend but I've never really talk to you - -"
eventhough I like stalk your lj haha
let's talk more ne?


mischenne November 28 2010, 10:39:55 UTC
hello yuri ^^ ive followed you ^^ uhm, mine is http://sachiiko.tumblr.com/.. if you want to follow me back ^^


coffeeinlove November 28 2010, 10:43:45 UTC
Follwing you :)
Let's get closer, ne?


mischenne November 28 2010, 10:47:55 UTC
thanks! ^^ yep! definitely :D


coffeeinlove December 11 2010, 10:11:02 UTC
well, I don't really like KyuYoung
I'm more of a SeoKyu shipper


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