♚ Mask Of Innocence / Chapter 1

Dec 06, 2010 20:54

Mask Of Innocence/Chapter 1
Seo Joo-Hyun wore her mask of innocence around like how she wore her heart on her sleeve.......
(Chapter 01.)


   ( Looking innocent was her career, he should have figured that out ages ago. )


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Comments 35

pm me anonymous December 6 2010, 11:16:43 UTC
update quickly since u said that u in school holidays now..
and dont 4get 2 pm me....


Re: pm me coffeeinlove December 6 2010, 11:24:39 UTC
Would be more than happy to but do you have an account on lj? Since it says anonymous when you comment
If you don't have an lj account, please leave me your email and I will PM you immediately when I update :)
I hope you enjoyed this chapter


Re: pm me reenessie December 6 2010, 11:39:12 UTC
so sorry,its my mistake since i love ut=r story very much...
but now i have my own account in lj so u can pm me....

and i hope u also can send the pm to my email adresss cause
i scared if i not see ur pm in here...

this is my email adress...


Re: pm me coffeeinlove December 6 2010, 11:43:41 UTC
Awwww.....you're so sweet, ne? Lol
But don't worry, I'll put you in the list and PM you immediately
I promise you that I won't forget :)


pm me also ^^ ext_340150 December 6 2010, 11:48:58 UTC
pm me also.. nice start even i quit disturb with the strter.. haha.. maybe too much innocent maknae n gentlemen yong....


Re: pm me also ^^ coffeeinlove December 6 2010, 11:55:16 UTC
I get you completely haha
if you keep reading then, the whole thing will be revealed soon
I made Seobaby not that innocent in this fic but......Aish, want to tell you all but can't lol


Re: pm me also ^^ coffeeinlove December 6 2010, 11:57:24 UTC
But was wondering, how am I going to PM you when youdot have an account o_o
Do you mind leaving your email, so that I can message you?


krissylia December 6 2010, 12:14:06 UTC
FINALLY! Waaahhh i was wwwaaaiittiing for this!!! You are awesome!!! I love seobabys (bitchy) character..... Hehehehe! Can't wait for the nxt chap.... Go yong Go!!! Kiss her everytime when she does not behave!!!


coffeeinlove December 6 2010, 12:23:24 UTC
*imagining Yong kissing Seo evrytime he doesn't behave*
Sigh, happily lol
I know I am awesome jk jk
I'm glad you enjoyed this and would you like me to PM you too? :)

P.S. Soz for the super delayed update TT


krissylia December 6 2010, 12:20:56 UTC
wwaaahhh i 4got plz put me in your PM List also!! Thnx


coffeeinlove December 6 2010, 12:24:24 UTC
Sure thing, will PM you immediately after update :)


^_^ glennpaulo December 6 2010, 13:12:37 UTC
Quite interesting, ive been a fanfic lovers for quite sometime especially if its about seohyun/yonghwa. Your story is interesting because it gives new character to both of them. Im really looking forward to all youre updates. for PM i'm always log here so i can see your fanfic if you make an update but you can PM me also. I think i will love your fanfic because youre story is differet from the others. im waiting for your update. Thnx


Re: ^_^ coffeeinlove December 6 2010, 20:15:21 UTC
added to the PM list
Oh, I sure hope you will love this fic lol :)


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