11:30 pm

Dec 20, 2010 16:24

11:30 pm
pairing: Seohyun/Yonghwa
genre: fluff, romance
rating: pg

If you bastards are that nosy then watch the episode yourself )


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Comments 40

lovely6887 December 20 2010, 06:21:20 UTC
this story so sweet,,,i like it,,thank you


coffeeinlove December 20 2010, 06:29:11 UTC
oh, I thought nobody would comment haha
this was so hard writing, I've got a bad case of writer's block - -"
glad you like it and thanks for commenting!


dhiey23 December 20 2010, 07:01:27 UTC
This is so cute, how their relationship grew
and he finally admitted defeat by saying "I Love You" to her, sweeeet <3

thank you for writing this :)


coffeeinlove December 20 2010, 07:05:38 UTC
I see you a lot around gogumafics and you comments in some of my work, mind telling me your name? mind if we become friends? :)

anyways, thank YOU for commenting and reading ^^


dhiey23 December 20 2010, 07:13:06 UTC
Hi hi, I don't mind at all! Hehehe
My name is dhi, it's a nickname :) my friends call me that kekeke
I'd love to be ur friend! Why would I mind? :)


coffeeinlove December 20 2010, 07:18:46 UTC
get ready for me to spam your lj at some stage haha
I'm calling you dhi then, that sounds so cute ><


haeanna December 20 2010, 07:05:43 UTC
hi Yuri!

it's been long time since I last comment on your stories and I'm truly sorry for that..
this is brilliant. I love how you wrote the 11.30 pm of 6 different days. and this is not bad at all! you're being ever too humble.
keep up your good work and thanks for sharing! ;)


coffeeinlove December 20 2010, 07:09:28 UTC
your icon is too lovely for words!!
no, it's okay
I understand, I know that you're on hiatus, oh and about the PM thingy, you're still in there (since you're on hiatus).

I am not being humble, this is my worst okay? lol
thanks for commenting bb <3


haeanna December 23 2010, 19:40:01 UTC

hara is adorable!
expect me to raid your LJ anytime soon. :)


coffeeinlove December 23 2010, 21:56:00 UTC
Does this mean you're back?
I miss you so much TT
Hara is always adorb


sierralaine December 20 2010, 08:01:26 UTC
Aww. So cuteeeeee. <3
Good job! Thank you for sharing~


coffeeinlove December 20 2010, 08:08:13 UTC
OMG, I'm stealing your icon haha
Who doesn't love Jae?
thank you for commenting :)


neavalhalla December 20 2010, 08:51:43 UTC
I never read a lot of YongSeo fics, but this one is so cute ♥
It's not that bad as you thought, Yul. It's definitely awesome.
Keep up the good work ;)


coffeeinlove December 20 2010, 08:56:15 UTC
Thank you <3
you should read more of this couple (withoutchange and forevermyworld esp. writes amazing oneshots of this pair) , they're quite amusing to watch lol


neavalhalla December 20 2010, 09:15:56 UTC
LOL I will, since I have a lot of free time now XD


coffeeinlove December 20 2010, 22:37:32 UTC
yay! write more, I love your works <3
or do request (that would be the best thing ever lol)


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