My art teacher let me use my tablet for my art prep work. Sure does speed things up a bit.
I've got some random sketches to add yayyyy. Do a sarcastic dance with me ;D
My art exam is on the 6th and 7th of May, so yeah, the prep work's gotta be finished asap. It's ridiculous though, because I'm the slowest in the class. Others have already done over 20+ drawings and studies and have sketchbooks crammed with colourful bits and bobs, while I, on the other hand, have nothing of the sort. All I've got are these pencil studies and one charcoal "portrait". I'm so slow!
Oh yeah! Just so you know, my realism skills need LOTS to brush up on. I suppose the fact I draw manga all the time really does wear at me haha :'D Also, my scanner fails. Bleck.
The hands and the portraits are all of my grandmother. I chose to study her for my exam this time round o.o It makes me frustrated that she calls herself ugly. "Don't draw someone old, wrinkly and ugly like me" she mumbles and I seriously think she should stop being so harsh on herself D; besides I chose her for a good, respectable reason! The theme for my exam piece is "Work and play" and I can see so many elements of those two things in physical features and in the stories of her childhood she tells me.
Anyway, enough of me rambling on ;D
The two above are studies of Arthuer Rackham's works *nods*
On to other things! I got commissioned in real for the very first time a couple days ago 8'D Yay! But man, probably the most challenging thing anyone's ever requested me to draw;; A heterosexual couple cuddling with a very lovely dovey atmosphere. LOL I don't even draw males, let alone couples ;3; I'm terrible at drawing interactions and horrible at expressions. But I gave it a go.
Initial idea sketch:
But the commissioner wanted a more frontal view so I gave that a try. :'D
And now this is what I have..
Gahh, I always prefer my sketches more than my lineart. I have to be precise when inking, but with sketches, I can be as messy as I want LOL. Nothing has to look 100% accurate >.> Either way! If anyone can help me out with the the legs I'd be very grateful ;3;;; <3
I also got another commission. A waistup sketch~ c: Hopefully I'll be able to turn this into something more presentable *nods*
Hopefully they won't be disappointed with my work ;3; I feel very happy when people take interest in my work at all, let alone to the extent of paying me *nods*
Eep. Eeep I say!
Oh, and this final drawing is one that's been uploaded to my dA and MB for a while now, but some of you here don't watch me on either places, so I'll place it here U: < Lol, it's not much, but it's probably the only personal piece I've done purely for enjoyment these past few weeks.