Oct 20, 2010 04:01
- 15:45:22: Under a week since @MySears/@ KenmoreConnect fixed the unimportant issues and ignored my rust/leak prob the washer quit working completely.
- 20:44:49: My @MySears/@ KenmoreConnect washer was actually made by Frigidaire. New model has obvious design improvements and no money went to the above
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Oct 07, 2010 04:00
- 07:23:10: Have been unable to sleep since 6ish. Was finally getting back to sleep and got 2 wrong number calls from @AlaskaAir.
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Oct 06, 2010 04:00
- 20:50:37: 1989 Kopke Colheita - Heavenly.
- 21:13:49: No reallly, this is probably the best thing I've gotten to drink a long time. I've spent the last 25 minutes nursing half of my glass.
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