so, I went to the ER last night....

Jun 10, 2006 10:06

and Kevin is my knight in shining armor.

Earlier this week, I found this tiny bruise on my right arm, 1/2 way between my elbow and shoulder, on the outside. It only hurt when I poked at it, like a bruise does. Didn't know how I got it, figured it was from Sunday night with Kevin.

Thursday, I'm at work, driving around and I run my hand up my sleeve. Something doesn't feel right. I yank up my sleeve and see this big, red, swollen spot on my arm where the bruise used to be. It's hard, hot and it hurts.

Friday, I wake up and it's twice as big and hurts about twice as much. After work, I post on a busy board about it and everyone tells me about blood poisoning, people dying and it scares me.

Now, everyone I know is either at work or a wedding rehersal. I call Kevin and leave a rambling message on his voice mail about something being really wrong with my arm and that I need to go to the ER.

A few minutes later, I think to call my friend Janetta. Talk to her husband, Scott and he says he'll send her right over.

I hang up, start putting on my shoes and Kevin calls. "I'm on my way, I'm 1/2 a block away." I tell him that someone is coming and he says "Are you sure? I'm right here."

So, he whisks me off to the ER. I try to call Janetta on her cell, but I guess they shut it off. So I call their house and Scott says she's already left. I tell him that Kevin, who I had called first, had shown up and I was on my way to the ER. I didn't have any way to leave her a note because I didn't even have a pen and paper in my new house yet. He's says it's fine and to call me if I need anything.

So, Kevin drops me off and tells me to call him if I need a ride back home within an hour or so. He has to go load his van for work.

The Dr in the ER says I have cellulitis (which seems like a fancy way of saying "we don't know what caused this, but your skin is irritated.")

They draw an outline of the red area and send me off with an Rx for antibiotics and orders to return if it gets any larger, or doesn't shrink.

Call Kevin, he comes to get me and I tell him I need to fill my Rx but I need to go home first because that is where I left my money. I don't want to make him later than he already is so I have him just drop me off at home. Walk to Taco Shop and one of my friends is just getting off work, so she takes me to Walgreens to get my drugs.

This morning, the spot is not any smaller, but it's not any bigger either. It still hurts though. I'll take a full day of drugs today and if it's still not better by tomorrow, I'll have to go back to the ER and they said they would probably keep me there.

So, apparently, I can't take a shower because the marker on my arm will wear off. It's 103 degrees here and I have a wedding to go to at 5pm... in the park! argh!

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