Ok. I really should be working right now, but I don't feel like it.
There is so much going on in my life right now that I JUST CAN'T FOCUS!! First, I got the results of my blood work back. My midwife had me get my blood drawn on Tuesday and Thursday to make sure that my numbers were increasing appropriately. She tossed out the term blighted ovum, which of course I reseached online and COMPLETELY freaked myself out. She was afraid because they assumed I was farther along that I am (6w5d) and that couldn't see the baby on the ultrasound. So..I had to wait from Thursday until today (office isn't open on Fridays) to find out the results. Talk about the weekend from hell. According to the nurse I talked to this morning, my numbers looked good and I scheduled my regular appointment (the one I should have had when she first started freaking me out) for Wednesday. I really won't be able to relax with the pregnancy now. This last week was the longest week EVER!! I am pretty sure I am going to have to get another ultrasound now to double check my due date, but we'll see on Wednesday I guess.
OK..next topic. We found our lot!! Our realtor is supposed to be buying it for us (her husband builds modular houses and he is the one building our house.) The we will mortgage the entire thing once it is built. At least, that is how I think it is going to work. Matt is supposed to be getting ahold of her today to be sure. Her husband is getting us prices on a few models we like and then we can go through and make any changes that we want. I am so excited and so totally stressed at the same time. I really hope that we can afford all of this on top of a new baby.
OK, next topic (am I long winded today or what? See what not wanting to work does to me?) I have signed up for my CPA review course (yes, add that to having a baby, working and building a house) I am a complete nutjob!!
One final rant, Matt had a child support court date today (we are trying to get it lowered..we pay $157 a WEEK!! That is insane for a kid whose not even in daycare.) She didn't even bother to show up. He waited there for an hour and a half just to have to reschedule (for on my birthday, might I add!) They had better back date the decision or I will be pissed!! GRR That woman just pisses me off!
Anyway, I think I hit everything. Combine that all with getting our house ready to sell and me being an emotional maniac lately and (I watched rasining Helen this weekend and cried like a lunatic!!) I may end up in a nut house.