So todai is the day i must be ready for my wonderful coalition creating. me and lidia have the toughest jobs, trying to keep all of our alliances/deals straight. quite hectic, ran around crazy the whole time. i have fun wearing edward tie all day long--my hott sexy tie-ness helped with our alliance making. me and jemma think about possible colatiton building phrases..."ill have sex with you if you vote yes on peace and security!" lol lol. so me and jemma dance around in the spray from my grapefruit scented bath and body works up in my dorm. i, however, am wearing only my bra and edward's sexy tie-ness. so im prancing around the room like that and all of a sudden....::KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!:: and i reach for the door but suddenly have second thoughts so i say "jemma, why dont you answer the door"...turns out there was a guy standing there...oops...LOL!
so then they drive us to this place, i dont recall the name. to hear a dude speak. except we're kinda early for the speaker, so they do a little debate session instead. i for one, doze off during this...which i kinda wish i hadnt done cause it was a hot debate. i jolted awake wen holly[california] lets out something not too far from a bronx cheer. very loud. woke me up right away. very heated debate. and then the speaker comes. and once he is done with his doo-dads, they announce our global summit leaders! with omar as one of our people[elected from intntl law] and jee-off(sp?) as HEAD! he rocks my socks.
DINNER IN TIMES SQUARE! + pit stop to mTV store.
theres no NYC without taxies
next stop is BROOOADWAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! and what did we get to see? PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!! whooo! best show of my LIFE!
so i get to sit next to jemma and katie. londish man asked me what row i was in[i was oblivious at the time]. ed & cemil sat next to X hahaha. anywho, so the play was hoi polloi'in awesome! and everytime the audience clapped, kenny would stand up and make the chewbaca sound. funniest shit ever.
-so during the intermission, jemma and i decide we are thirsty. so we head down to the bar. i ask the bar man, "can you make me a shirley temple?" he says "are you allowed to have that"
me: "uhh, yeah its just sprite and grenadine?"
dude: "are you gonna pay for it?"
dude: *funny facial expression* ::pours some stuff in a plastic cup::
lady behind me: WHAT IS THAT?!
me & jem: shirley temple. dont worry, theres no alchohol. we're only 16 & 17 anyways
lady: oh! i was gonna say, arent you with that group?
so i take my shirley temple and head back up to the seat. kenny and jeremy ask for a sip. i tell em its not so good, he didnt put enough grenadine in it. so i down the entire cup and then halfway through the play jemma taps me on the shoulder and goes "THERES BACARDI IN THIS!!!!!" lo and behold. no WONDER it tasted funny! so i take her cup and down half of hers. hahahaha. we have mutual headaches on the bus ride home. jemma CANNOT hold her liquor. funniest shit ever. kenny raced me back to the top. he won cause i was "drunk" lol.
so that night, me and erin and ray have a little partAY in her dorm office. we took mugshots of ourselved LOL. ray taught me new veneZuelan words. PUTA!!! and mamwombe!! (SP?) so im sitting there going "puta! puta!" while ray is on the phone with her mom...funny shit. good timeZ, i love erin & ray. i finally make it past the FA's and back to my room.