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sg1_five_things prompt
11.01 Five things that Jack Wants to be when he grows up
Ratings: PG
Spoilers: Kinsey’s a turd, but anyone who’s seen even five seconds of his character knows that, so none.
~*~ 1 ~*~
The kid’s swirling his licorice rope over his head as he rides the Meijer one-cent pony. “Look, Daddy, I’m a cowboy!”
‘Daddy’ laughs. “Yes, Justin, I see.”
The ride finishes and Justin bounces off. “I’m gonna be a cowboy when I grow up. Okay, Daddy? Or maybe a doctor. Or maybe I’ll be a fireman. Just like you.” The kid’s smile lit up the entryway of the store as he followed his father out, still swinging the licorice rope by his side.
Jack remembers. “Someday, Daddy, I’m gonna be a pilot. I’m gonna fly planes, just like you. But I’m not gonna fly people around. I’m gonna be in the Air Force and get the bad guys!”
“Oh, will you, Jackie-boy?” Jack’s father picked him up in the time-honored airplane pose and ‘flew’ him over the couch towards the kitchen.
“Yep. And then, when I’m all grown up, I’m gonna have a little boy and I’m gonna teach him to fly, too.”
Jack watches the dad put his son in the van and finish loading the groceries in the back. “Someday, when I’m all grown up, I’m gonna be a dad, too. Just like you,” he whispers. Someday.
~*~ 2 ~*~
The clock counted the seconds down. The puck flew across the ice, past the goalie and into the net, just as the buzzer sounded.
“YES!” Jack’s chips went flying, but he managed to maintain hold of his beer. “Did you see that, Daniel?!”
Daniel just brushed crumbs off his page and muttered, “Yeah, sure...”
“Did. You. See. That! It was incredible!”
“Yes, Jack,” Daniel agreed. “Incredible.”
“Seriously!” Jack slammed Daniel’s book shut. “Watch the replay! That is some of the best hockey I’ve ever seen. Watch that play, the smoothness, the speed, the precision.” He sank back into the couch and sighed. “Yes, Daniel, that is pure poetry. Someday, when I grow up, I’m gonna play hockey just like that.”
“You’re never going to grow up, Jack. Can I have my book back now?”
~*~ 3 ~*~
Jack shoved Kinsey up against the wall, his forearm effectively cutting off the Senator’s supply of air. “Know what, Kinsey?” he growled. “I always wanted to grow up to be a good soldier, an honorable one. The kind that chose duty over pleasure, justice over vengeance.”
He pushed a little harder and relished the feel of Kinsey’s fingers scrabbling for purchase, for relief. “And someday, when I grow up, I’ll be that. But you know what else?”
Despite his precarious position, despite his lack of breath, Kinsey still managed to glare back at Jack.
“As people who shall remain nameless are so fond of pointing out, I still have a lot of growing up to do. So when I grow up, I *will* be honorable, I *will* pass up petty vengeance. But today...today I can still do this.”
And he threw a swift uppercut to Kinsey’s jaw, followed by a hook to his cheek. “Have a nice day.”
~*~ 4 ~*~
“RUN!” Jack fired a continuous stream of shots at the Jaffa as he did his best to run full-tilt while heading backwards and helping Carter drag Teal’c’s limp body. Daniel, that Gate better be dialed when we get there, or I’ll wring your neck myself!
A final round of shots went out before they fell through the wormhole into the Gateroom in a tangle of legs and guns.
“Medical team to the Gateroom!” Jack heard echo over the loudspeaker. No, it’s all right, he’ll be okay, just unconscio...oh, screw it.
Daniel and Carter didn’t speak either, preferring to remain collapsed on the ramp and catch their breath. Jack forced the words out of his tired brain. “You guys okay?”
Two limp nods and a groan answered him. The med team came barreling in with a stretcher just as Teal’c sat up and rubbed his head. “O’Neill.”
“Yeah, T?”
“What happened?”
“Believe me, bud, you do not want to know.” Looking at his bedraggled team, Jack said, “That’s it. I’ve changed my mind. When I grow up, I want to be an accountant.”
~*~ 5 ~*~
“Sir!” Carter yanked the cool new doohickey out of Jack’s hands and laid it tenderly back on her work table. “This is fragile, sir.”
“Oh, okay. Sorry.” He wandered around the lab, poking his fingers into just about everything he could.
“Watch out!”
“Don’t touch that!”
“Would you just GROW UP, sir!” Carter’s eyes widened and she slapped her hand over her mouth. “I’m sor-”
Jack cut her off. “Nope. I’m just like Peter Pan. Never gonna grow up. More fun that way.” He winked and walked off whistling. Score one for a Carter outburst. Next task on the list: an outburst where she forgot to say sir. Hm...that could take some extra planning...