[icons] Twilight 08 icons

Aug 31, 2008 22:34

Good Sunday, kids!

This tiny 8-icons post is so ridiculous I refuse to call it "batch". On the most, I was experiencing with old colorings I have already used in the past. These icons are mostly also a homage to my dear lilipsiquehd a die-hard fan of Twilight, which by the way I haven't started reading yet. So, here we go, 8 icons made of Twilight trailer ( Read more... )

movies: twilght, graphics: icons

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Comments 6

yeuxdebleu September 1 2008, 02:25:01 UTC
would you guys mind giving me some feedback on the coloring of these?

The coloring looks a little strange to me; not true colors like in the trailers. The icons look to me to have an overall greenish cast.

You will love the Twilight series. I've read all four books and the first three twice. I plan to read the fourth book again next week.


danabaldonado September 1 2008, 10:29:50 UTC
i'll be stealing and crediting! :D
edwarrdd is love :DDD


novemberbaby September 1 2008, 22:21:58 UTC
These are very beautiful! Will take and credit!


tangledhope May 25 2009, 01:43:36 UTC
I really like the coloring on these!! you haven't posted in awhile, is this on indefinite hiatus?


tangledhope March 21 2010, 19:43:42 UTC
Just poking through my old communities and saw you have not posted in awhile but I love your work. Wanted to see if you were just on a hiatus? Please let me know if you plan on still posting so I can re-add you!! Thanks :):)


mintandcoke March 21 2010, 20:09:47 UTC

Thanks to know you like my work. That's really flattering! However, I'm afraid I'm not going to be updating my lj any time soon. I kinda go too busy in RL and lack time to research and look for "new trends". So, I won't be giving out my best to the icons and I thought it'd better stop. I may update eventually, so keep checking, but there's no need to re-friend me, since my updates won't be regular.

Thanks anyway, it makes me really glad to know people appreciated my work! :D


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