I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this. I'm taking a class with Shakira, Plaidy-McPlaid, No Hand, Satan-Loving-Earing-Boy, White Marley, Yu-Gi-Oh, Bitchass Whore, Guido, Slutty Barbie, Swallowed a Cat, and Camos-Are-Cool.
Re: HahahahahacatswithwheelsOctober 11 2007, 04:09:02 UTC
Oh my gosh Nanannnniel - I worked with No Hand once! ChiChi the Brainless Wonder was our other co-worker, and it literally took her over a week to realize that No Hand had a messed-up tiny hand. Stupid Hippie.
Greetings from Buelltonia
October 10 2007, 04:11:26 UTC
Great to see you're conquering that particular phobia. As far a airplanes being "deathtraps", I will remind you (and your readers) that we (humans in general) will happily drive around all day sitting on top of 15+ gallons of a highly combustible, toxic fuel and never give it a thought. Hell, some even feel comfortable smoking while doing it. Though I notice they must not like keeping the butts in the car after they're done as I see them throw them out the windows all the time. "Throw OUT those butts, they're dangerous"! Hope I haven't triggered any new phobias, if so, I apologize. See you in Dec, S & B p.s. Jeeter the Demonologist, that's funny....
Comments 16
p.s. Jeeter the Demonologist, that's funny....
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