Whats your full name? Nicole Ann Romito
Got any nicknames? Coke
Where do u live? Cleveland
What school do u go to? homeschooled
What color hair do u have? blonde
Eye color? One's green and one's yellowish
What body parts do u shave? Eh, depends on if I'm lazy or not. Or if I have a date (which is like never)
Are u a hottie? Yes
Are u ugly? No
How much do you weigh? 95
How tall are u? 5'
i like to dream : About being a famous dancer
What are ur career ambitions? Psychologist and dancer
What is your one major goal to achieve in life? Be happy
Why? Becuase I'm too depressed
What would u do to get it? I would do anything for love, but I won't do that..
When did u first decide on this career? A few years ago
HaVe YoU EvA......
Pushed a door that said "Pull?" Yeah
Ran into an UNautomatic door? I got stuck in a revolving door...I had a pizza though so that's what made me get stuck
Cried yourself to sleep? Yup
Laughed yourself to sleep? I'm sure I have
Sang yourself to sleep? Nope
laughed at nothing? of course...
Cried at nothing? uh huh
Sung in Public? Yeah
Danced in public? I'm a dancing queen
Gone skinny dipping? Nope
Danced naked in front of ur mirror? Lol, in a thong and bra yeah
Danced with clothes on in front of ur mirror? of course
What is your all time favorite movie? Dirty Dancing
What is the last movie you rented? Thirteen
What was the last movie u saw in the theater? It's been forever
What is one movie that makes u cry? I never cry during movies
Whats one movie that makes you SOB? None Whats one movie that makes u laugh? Happy Gilmore
Whats one movie that makes you laugh your head off? Happy Gilmore
Whatzs the stupidest movie? Zoolander
The scariest? Hmmmm, I'm not really sure
The weirdest? Exorcist was fucked up
Who's your favorite singer? Mariah Carey
Favorite Song by Them: Can't Take that Away from Me
Whos your favorite group? Sublime
Fav Song by Them: Pool Shark and Chica Mi Tipo
Favorite CD? Blessid Union of Souls
What song makes you cry? Peace and Love, At My Most Beautiful
What song makes you laugh? Too Fat Polka cause I thinka someone lol
Whats the best song to dance slow to? Oh man there's so many good ones
To dance DIRTY to?: I can think of a ton
Do you like reality shows? No
Whats the best one? The one where they all DIE
Whats your all time favorite TV SHow? The OC, Jeopardy
Do u watch Survivor? No
Whats the saddest ending to a TV Show?? When Ryan broke up with Melissa on the OC, I was pissed
Do u believe in God? Yeah
Do u go to church? No
Do u like ur church? I don't go
IS BUDDHA AMAZING??? Buddha's cool
Whats your favorite...
Food? Pasta
Car? del Sol, Vette
game? Scrabble
Sport? Dancing
Sport to watch? Softball and dancing
Song of all time? At My Most Beautiful, November Rain
Color? Pink
Commercial? I don't pay attention
~*Either Or*~
Good Charlotte or Simple Plan? Simple Plan
Metallica or Saliva? Metallica
Nsync or BSB? BSB
Aerosmith or Nsync? Aerosmith
Britney or Christina? Christina
Bible or Tora? Bible
Love or Like? Love
Hugs or Kisses? Hugs
Trojan or Generic? Trojan
Always or Kotex? Yeah I don't get my period anymore but when I did it was Always all the way
Marker or Pencil? Pencil
Boner or Period? I'd take a boner over a period any day
School or Work? Work, hot guys at Romito's *drool*
Gay Bi or Straight? Gay, I like gay people, they're cool
~*Opposite Sex*~
Eye Color: Anything but brown, all I've dated are guys with brown eyes
Hair color: Anything
height: I like em short
Weight: normal
Sensitive or Tough? Both, but not too sensitive because guys who cry too much get on my nerves
Mamas Boy or Mamas Rival? Neither
Ghetto or Prep? Prep
Black or White? White
Gay, Bi, or Straight? Shit, I'll date a gay guy lol
perfect Lover or Perfect Friend? Friend
Roses or Pot? Roses, pot is gay
**YoUr SeNdEr*~
Who sent this to u? I took it from Allyson's journal
Are they ur friend? I guess so, I don't know her too well
Would u ever consider dating them? No
Are they Sexy? Yup
Whats your best memory u had as a kid? Going down the stairs in sleeping bags with Anthony
The funniest? I'm sure there's been a lot
The gayest? Hanging out with my aunt Kim (lol, those of you who know me will get the joke)
Whos ur best friend? Julia
Where did u meet? Padua
How long have u known eachother? 3.5 years
Who are your top 10 closest friends? I don't even have 10 friends..
Best friend of the opposite sex? That's a tough call, I'm close to all of my guy friends
Friend you can tell anything to? Julia, Ibold
Weirdest? Kramer
Funniest? Ibold and Joey
Gayest? Jesse
Preppiest? Rick
Snobbiest? Rick at times
Fattest? I don't hang out with fat people. I'm a hater as Waseem would say
Skinniest? Julia
Hottest? Oh man, Kyle, James, Brendan, Adam, Chuck, and there's a ton more
Cutest? Joey
Sweetest? That's a tough call
Most Down to Earth? I try to be...
SMartest? Kyle, I feel so dumb when I talk to him lol
Stupidest? I don't wanna be mean...
How did u enjoy this survey?? Eh, I've had better