Wha? A Post?

Aug 09, 2010 21:22

So, yeah...

I am very surprised my account still exists, I rarely, if ever post / read LiveJournal. Not because I don't want to but because it hasn't been part of my usual routine. I should change that.

Instead I'm on twitter and FA a lot more, looking around. When I'm not doing that, I'm either working or working. I've taken on a lot more responsibilities at work since my boss was fired in May, giving me an opportunity for an approximate raise of $12,000 per year, the final bit is to take effect this week.

That has allowed me to get rid of a car that was gonna kill me, join a gym and rock a consumer proposal I did about a year ago. Now I have a minivan, I'm suppose to be going to the gym (but right now I'm fighting to get $187 they illegally withdrew from my account) and by June 2011 I will have only my car loan as a debt.

I feel free in that regard, but other things have happened as of late that I love even more. Condition: Zero Hour just finished last night around 5pm. I think we pulled off an awesome con, it seems the attendees agreed by cheering at the end of it with the announcement of Soviet themed Condition: Red next year. I think the idea of the all-encompassing con theme with story events tailored to that theme happening during the con have been a hit. And now that Zero Hour is complete, we are strongly encouraging writers and artists to get involved with the story line, to basically create an awesome world.

Truth be told, I should be dead tired and sleeping because of the usually 14+ hour days that I was working at Condition: Zero Hour but instead I am energized and wishing we could get into planning for next year. I think this makes me functionally sane, but we'll see.

I also have been missing people that I have known and other people that I still run into but either the friendship isn't there or there is no time to rebuild the relationship. I wish I could rekindle some of those friendships, especially one that I killed because at the time, the person was constantly smoking weed and I couldn't stand it anymore...

Guess it's a day of realization, both good and bad.
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