Title: Cold Boy Fever
Pairing: Uruha/Kai
Genre: Romance, smut
Notes: This isn't my usual style and I think my next step into smutdom will be much more.. metaphorical XD So if you're looking for something more like my usual style, run far.. far.. away OTL
cateris. It’s my first real venture into smut-land so I hope it’s okay for you! Happy Birthday
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Comments 44
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-looks up with adoring eyes-
That was far by the most gorgeous piece that I've read in a long time. May I add you?
But thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it :D
And of course you can ♥
The ending also made me laugh, Uruha was so adorable yet sexy in this~
Gahhh, thank you so much! I was all nervous and tomato-faced while writing it you have no idea XD So I'm really happy you enjoyed this little smut-nugget \:D/
It was written very confidently for someone who was nervous; you couldn't tell at all, don't worry~
Your smut is really interesting to read, because while it's poetic and pretty, there's bits that are stated so bluntly. Like I'd date the shit out of you or The laugh was soon stifled, however, as Uruha gave his newly released ho-ho a long, wet stroke of his tongue. Even words--length, erection...It's the first time I've read those words in your work, and it threw me off a bit. You're growing up, congrats.
As if glittery scrunchies poorly holding up his dark-rooted hair (there’s a loose strand that’s dangling dangerously close to the dip of his cheek and Kai has to squash down the childish urge to tuck it back in place)... Oh, I always admire your eye for the littlest details and how you include them here and there. It's not emphasized, but something that is noticed in the midst of everything else, natural. Kai's penchant for neatness and organization is really brought out here. (God knows what his thoughts are on the messy state of the hotel room.)
Uruha raised an amused brow at him, ( ... )
But anyways, thank you so much for this lovely comment! I think I mentioned about a million times how nervous I was writing this.. It's totally out of my comfort zone, but I guess that's how you grow - just throw yourself into something crazy XD
And I'm so happy you spotted all the little details! Being so used to writing "one moment", I couldn't help but sneak in little bits and pieces :D
Thank you so, so much again - your comments are always so wonderful to read ♥
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