It seems I will be working on 'Lion' tonight!
Thank you everyone who voted in the poll. I didn't think that many people would participate, but you guys always blind-side me :D
but this is good because 'Lion' is the only one that has an outline for the next chapter all ready to go >:3
In other, more expensive, news:
I can't say that I'm not intrigued by this 3-disc wonder.. It's so deliciously suspicious.. But I suppose that's how they draw us in (and open our wallets). It can never be a simple album - there's always a little surprise, a little something that's unexpected. It's fun to see everyone try and guess what the second CD is on twitter. Someone noted that it could be an instrumental track or even a "part two" of the entire album (i.e.: these bastards are such fucking creative geniuses that they couldn't fit all the songs on one disc XD). I personally have no idea what it could be.. It seems like nothing is impossible with this band lol.
As for the DVD, I'm going to pick the safe option and say it's a PV. Some were guessing the full DECADE concert but.. I think we'd be paying about $170 if that were true XD;;
So what are your thoughts? Are you going to take the plunge and pre-order? Wait until previews leak? Sit this one out?
I don't really know what I'm doing yet. I kind of want to wait for a preview of some sort because if this is TOXIC Part II, I don't want to spend all that money for a style I don't really froth at the mouth for.
But, as always, it's oh-so very tempting...