Title: Shear Madness
Pairing: Aoi/Uruha, Ruki/Reita
Genre: Crack. Oh, the crack. And some romance :D
Synopsis: In which Uruha is a beauty school dropout and Aoi is none the wiser.
Notes: I figured I'd finish a favorite WIP of mine for Uruha's birthday and for the sake of not being too late, I'm posting the first part now! I was originally
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Comments 30
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*burns all crocs ever*
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i hope u update the next part soon..
I loved Ruki a lot LOL poor guy being abused so badly by Uru haha..
Well Aoiha goodness here i come <3
Ruki always seems to be abused in some form or other in my crack fics, haha! He's too easy to tease, I think :3
A lot of authors decided to be sentimental on this birthday, but as for me.. manic!Ussan is too tempting to not write :3
The next part will be up soon!
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