Title: milk teeth
Pairing: Aoi/Uruha, Reita/Ruki
Genre: Slice of life, romance
Notes: I demand more indie-days!GazettE fics :D
Synopsis: But then again, Akira works in a bakery - a fact that is always thrown into any argument with a sly grin, much to Akira’s endless frustration.
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But yeah, reading this and listening to old old stuff was an awesome combo for sure! :3 The way you portray them is just.. nhhg cant find a good word for it but you know what Im trying to say here right? <3
I stopped writing but you inspired me after such a long time..ah well:/
but one thing above the all of them in this piece is the fire that Kouyou starts and it later never dies. It's once again one of the things that were always in my mind but I couldn't quite put it into words. How Aoi is still lingering around Uruha, no matter how much time passes he is still looking at him in this certain way. It's the one of those things that stays even when so many things pass, but just like the love for the band, guitar, music..this Uruha fixation/adoration/harmony. It just never leaves and I have a feeling that there's no getting over it, not anymore, it just became a part of him.
ahhhh...there you can see how much you inspire me to even think :D
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