Title: An Unexpected End
Fandom: Flashpoint
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Jules
Word Count: 300
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Nothing specific, really, escept for the basic idea of what's been going on with Sam and Jules basically all series long :)
Warning: Character death
Summary: He stares at the cracked glass of the windshield, splattered with blood and he thinks that it’s ironic that this is how it ends for them.
A/N: Before y'all say it.... I hate me, too :( I have no idea where this one came from.
An Unexpected End
It’s not like in the movies. There’s no slow motion. When the SUV slams into Jules Jeep, everything is fast - too fast. He doesn’t have time to warn her, or to do anything to protect her before they’re hit. He barely has time to register that there’s danger before the Jeep is flipping and they’re being tossed around it like rag dolls.
When they finally come to a stop he’s dimly aware something poking his side. A quick look down tells him that it’s a piece of metal that’s jammed into his chest. It’s with a sort of detached interest that he also notes the quickly expanding bloodstain on his shirt surrounding the wound.
When he looks to his left he sees Jules - his Jules - with a piece of glass embedded in her neck, her blood everywhere. He reaches out, grabbing her hand and checking her wrist for a pulse. He isn’t surprised not to find one, but it doesn’t stop the tears from escaping his eyes.
Another quick glance down at his chest and he knows he’ll be joining her soon enough. He’s lost so much blood already. He won’t survive.
Not that he wants to. Not anymore.
He stares at the cracked glass of the windshield, splattered with blood and he thinks that it’s ironic that this is how it ends for them. Their jobs put them in danger every single day, and yet here they are in a wrecked Jeep on the side of the road on their way out to dinner.
His other hand is still jammed in his pocket where it’s been ever since they left the house, wrapped tightly around a small jewelry box with the ring he bought last week.
He doesn’t let go of her hand, even as his eyes slid shut.