Title: Not Strong Enough
Fandom: Flashpoint
Characters/Pairing: Jules
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Spoilers: The Sam/Jules thing.
Summary: She should be stronger than this.
A/N: Written for Flashpoint_SRU prompt #13 - Strength. Oh, and as I've been forgetting to post recently, I own nothing. Not beta'd
Not Strong Enough
She was stronger than this. At least, she should be. He was right; she dumped him, not the other way around. She had no right to be acting so jealous that he was moving on. She should be happy for him.
He deserved to be happy; he was too good a guy not to be. Hell, he was the perfect man. The perfect man she’d let slip away.
She knew that she was always going to love him, but she needed to let him go, for both their sakes.
Unfortunately, she’d finally found something she wasn’t strong enough to do.