Title: Loud with Regrets
Fandom: Flashpoint
Characters/Pairing: Sam
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Not especially
Summary: Because the only silent grave was an empty one.
A/N: Written for Flashpoint_SRU prompt #4 - Regret. Oh, and as I've been forgetting to post recently, I own nothing. Not beta'd
Loud with Regrets
Sam had always hated the phrase “quiet as the grave”. Maybe it hit too close to home, maybe it was because he’d been to far too many funerals to believe that they were actually quiet, visited too many graves to still be under the impression that they were anything close to silent.
Graves were always loud as hell. They screamed out with words unsaid, guilt, and apologies. They spoke of lives cut short, people left behind, things left unfinished, pain and sorrow.
They were loud with regrets.
They were never silent.
Because the only silent grave was an empty one.