Title: Heat
Genre: Cartoon
Series: Teen Titans
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Jinx, Kid Flash
Drabble Prompt: #63-Heat
Word Count: 100
Drabble Table )
A/N: Please note! This drabble does not take place in the "universe" of my drabbles Heaven Takes Its Toll and Hell Pays the Price. I do intend to write more in that universe I created, but when I do I'll let you know. Otherwise, just assume this is written within the regular old Teen Titans 'verse, with its pink, goth-y Jinx.
His bare skin seemed like fire under her fingers, the flesh beneath quivering as it strained to remain still. She knew he was awake but was remaining still so she could explore his back. Her pale fingers seemed ghostly in the dim light. He wasn't tan, but he was darker than she was. She thought about their many differences as she laid her cool cheek on his upper back and wrapped her arms around him.
They stayed cuddled up like that as the snow continued to fall outside.
Time seemed to slow until it stopped completely.
It was almost perfect.
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