Title: Lady Luck
Genre: Cartoons
Series: Teen Titans
Characters: Jinx, Kid Flash
Spoilers: N/A
Rating: PG
Summary: He loved her most when she was angry.
Prompt: #5-Anger
Word Count: 100
Drabble Table:
HERE She was magnificent. Her eyes danced with malevolent violet light, sparks of fuchsia exploded in the air between her and her prey, and her hands clenched from the effort to hold it in. If she let go of her control, unleashed the waves of violent happenstance that she stored within her, she could kill. She was Lady (bad) Luck personified and in her anger she could forget the very bad things she could do without thinking. She'd done it before and never forgot her mistakes (even if he always forgave them).
She was beautiful and cruel and she was his.
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