Title: No One
Genre: Cartoons
Series: Teen Titans
Characters: Jinx, Kid Flash
Spoilers: N/A
Rating: PG
Summary: She can't remember (and doesn't know if thats a bad thing).
Prompt: #26-Parents
Word Count: 100
Drabble Table:
HERE She didn't want to be touched, didn't want company, didn't want to be alone, didn't want him, didn't want to be here, yet here she was anyways. It was an unconscious ceremony, picking at the cracks of her boundaries and memories until something uncontrollable could slip through (but never did). He's hovering just behind her, unsure what to make of her mood because she's quiet and Jinx is never quiet.
“This is where they found me. I was four. There were...rips in my sleeve and drops of blood, not mine. No missing reports, no inquiries. I came from nowhere.”
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