practice today. after i took my shower i layed down in my bed and didn't move for like 10 minutes. i loved it.
been a long week. glad it's over. been fun though i must say.
varsity soccer woot!
but a retreat all weekend. it's gonna be a long weekend. call my cell phone please, with news from the outside world.
Let me think,
The hard truth of everything is,
Good things take time to make, take time to remake, friendship, love, relationships. Take work, time, feeling and honesty.
It could take months, years, but once you get it, it’s so worth the wait.
The sad part is, one can lose it all, in just a few short hours.
And not feel a thing at the time, but later look back upon it,
And feel regret within every ounce of one’s soul.
The most important moments of our lives, rush past us like strangers in a crowd, and one doesn’t recognize their opportunity, one’s possible only opportunity to reconcile a mistake, or seize one’s dream.
i'm sorry i just find it sad that people are being caused so much pain from people they put so much trust into.